chapter six

452 11 6

Ariel and Mitch sitting in a tree ;)


Best friends.

Obviously I wanted to be more than that, but for right now, it's close enough

/ Monday /

I walk into school wearing a power moves only shirt, and some skinny jeans. This time no eyes are on me. I breath in a sigh of relief.

Mitch and Brianna walk in, and we all move over to our lockers. There's only one problem, Cammie.

Where the hell did she go? I slide open my phone, and start to text her.

A: where are you!?


C: god go away, I'm sick.

A: alrightttt, if you need me just text ;)

I shut off my phone, and walk down the hall to my class with Mitch. Even though we're friends, I still get butterflies whirl around in my stomach, to be honest I basically freak out when were close.

We walk in, and take our seats. Since I've never really been his friend, we sit at totally different ends. The teacher starts to blab on and on about some stupid science thing, when I hear the word partners.

My head scans the room over to Mitch, who's already with his friend Jerome. Honestly, I hate him since he broke up with my best friend.

Everyone pairs up with their friends, and here I sit, lonely. Wow that's new. Guess my new outfits changed everything. That's when I notice it, the stupid bubbly laugh, and the hair whip.

She has medium length hair, with lots of different colors, blue, pink, and purple. She has crystal blue eyes, and wears high heels, and an incredible small skirt, I swear her little butt is sticking right out.

Everyone crowds her, asking to partner up. Then she walks up straight to me. She taps my shoulder, like I didn't know she was there.

"Hi, I'm Ashley."

Her accent startles me, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Ariel" I nod at the sound of my name.

"Want to work together? Heard your cool."

"Thanks but no thanks! I'll do this on my own."

"Oookay, your missing out though, by the way who's that hottie over there?"

She points over to Mitch's direction. His dark brown hazel eyes shine, as he smiles widely, nodding.

"He's taken, and he's my best friend"

"We'll see about that."

I laugh, probably sounding evil.

"Good luck with that sweet cheeks" I wink at her skirt, and her eyebrows raise obviously annoyed. She crosses her arms, and taps her foot.

"Well scurry off now."

"Not until you say sorry"

You've got to be kidding me. What is this, kindergarten? Bitch, please.

"I'm sooo sorry"

She winks and starts to strut toward Mitch. He looks up and he scans her. His eyebrows raise, and they start to talk. A grin stretches his face, and he nods, looking accomplished. Whatever.

/ after class /

As I walk to my next class Mitch jogs up to me.

"Hey Ariel, I have to cancel our plans this afternoon, I'm hanging out with Ashley!" He squeals like a little girl.

I roll my eyes, and stomp off. Wow he ditched me for her. She's already taking over! I swear by the end of the day it'll be like mean girls, she can come wearing the most ridiculous outfit and everyone will come the next day wearing it.

I know how it feels though, to be the queen. It rocks! Everyone loves you, and everyone wants you be you. Ever since I stopped talking to my little friends, and stopped wearing my uncomfortable outfits, they all backed off.

Ashley is just here to fill in that hole that used to be me.

/ after school. /

I sit in my bedroom, and decide to text Brianna.

A: I need you.

B: what's up?

A: that new girl Ashley is taking over! MITCH AND HER ARE HANGING OUT AS WE SPEAK

B: wait what.

A: that's right >:(

B: I swear if Mitch cheats on me I'm ripping off his head and eating it for dinner.

A: O.o uhm your creepy.

B: I'll text you later, I'm going over to his house.

Well that's just perfect. I lay face first on my bed, waiting for a text or call from Brianna. I'm ready for her to cry, and sob telling me how he cheated on her. After about an hour I give up, and walk downstairs phone still in hand.

As I walk downstairs the one and only Brianna stands there, Mitch right beside her. Brianna has mascara running down her face, and her eyes are red with tears and anger. Mitch looks mortified, I'm actually tempted to take a photo.

"How did you get in my ho-"

"You see Mitch?" Brianna throws her hand next to Mitch, slapping him in the jaw.


"I caught him kissing Ashley in his basement. It took him five damn minutes for him to notice I was there"

I raise an eyebrow toward his direction. Yep he's dead.

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