chapter eleven

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yay, I got off my lazy butt and wrote something!


/ at Jason's house /

As soon as I ring the door bell, the most adorable guy steps out.

"Are you uh, Jason?"

"Yep!" His bright smile, sends butterflies into my stomach.

"I'm guessing your Ariel?"

"The one and only."

"Here come inside, also we're going to MineCon, tomorrow so make sure your packed!"

I nod, and head over to where he said I'll be staying. The room is small, but it'll do. As I pack my bags, tears form in my eyes as I think about Mitch. How dare he? I can't believe I fell in love with that bag of shit.

/ day of MineCon /

My phone beeps, signifying its 6:30. Jason told me that we'd have to leave the house by 7:15, so we aren't late for the plane.

I do the usual routine, taking a shower, brushing hair, and then getting on a comfy outfit for the plane.

When I walk downstairs, bag in hand, I see Jason and another girl talking. She has gorgeous auburn hair that falls just past her shoulders, and stunning green eyes. Jealous creeps inside, yet I push it away and say hi.

"Hi! I'm Ariel, what's your name?"

"Hello! I'm Zoe, who are you?" Her British accents startles me, but it's so cute.

"Oh, just a friend visiting for a while, and you?'


I have to force myself not to frown, and then shape my mouth into an O shape.

/ plane ride./

Taking window seat, I peer over at the cute couple. Their hands are linked, and Zoe's head rests on Jason's shoulder. I sigh, and continue to look out at the sunset.

I wish I had a relationship like that. All my life I've dreamed of Mitch and I to be like that. I was such a fool, thinking he loved me. Why would I think that? He's got those stunning brown eyes, and cute hair. Then there's me.

I don't have a lot of loving potential.

Trying to forget my worries, I let my eyelids drop, and drift into a deep sleep.

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now