chapter 17

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(( At Eric's funeral ))

If your wondering I'm actually staying with Eric's dad, while I'm trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do.

I step up onto the podium to speak about Eric, when I scan the little crowd. I see a couple girls and boys my age, and I'm only speaking since Eric's dad, John insisted.

With shaking hands, I take my piece of paper out of the pocket of my jacket. Looking down, I clear my throat and start.

"I may have not of known Eric for very long. But I felt like he was the brother I never had. In a matter of days we both knew every single thing about each other. When I sat on that yucky old plastic chair at the hospital, and held Eric's cold hand, I thought about how nice it was to have a best friend that you could trust you're life too. I'm not a big person on putting up my guard, but I was glad when I let Eric through. I love you Eric Patterson."

A tear slips down my face, and by then I'm rushing to my seat. John engulfs me in a hug, and then he goes up to speak for himself.

(( back at johns house. ))

As we sit at the table eating our Macaroni and Cheese, thick silence covers the air.

"I'm sorry." I croak, struggling not to burst out in a fit of tears.

"For what?"

"For messing up your whole damn life."

"Ariel, if you weren't here I'd be so lonely."

"May I ask what happened to your wife?"

He looks down, and sets his spoon down.

Clearing his throat, he answers me looking like he's about to break.

"She was shot."

My eyes widen, as I move over and we hug again, both of us crying. God damn this day is way to much to handle. As we let go, he explains he has a girlfriend now and he's perfectly happy with her.

He says it's always hard letting go though. I excuse myself, and walk into Eric's room where I'm currently staying. It's hard not to look at all the pictures with his smiling face, it's so so hard.

Finally realizing I can't stay here forever, I call the only person I have left. Mitch.


After three rings he finally picks up.



"Who is this?"

At this I feel my heart drop to my stomach. Did he delete my god damn number? Well at least he moved on.

"Uh Ariel"

"Wait, Ariel!"

"I kind of just said that."

"Holy shit! You're alive!"

Ok, what in the world is happening. Seriously I wasn't gone for years, what does everyone think?

"Yea... Anyways I'm kind of stuck in [ insert place ]. When I went to Jason's and he took us there, I kind of didn't go back?"

"How am I supposed to help you?'

"Your an ass. Please your the only person I have left."


I seriously hated killing Eric.

I didn't want to do it, I swear.


I have some writers block going on in all my stories. Ughh

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