chapter 23

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Scared, I slowly try to stand up, shaking as I go. As I stand I hear Mitch's door slowly open, and I feel a rush of relief. Except when I hear two booming voices instead of one, and one is definitely not Mitch's.

"Who are you?" I say shakily, as I steady myself against the wall.

"You grab her legs, I'll cover her face." He booms, grabbing my legs, causing me to fall down smashing my head against the floor.

I bite my tongue in pain trying to keep myself from screaming out loud.

"Okay. I'm going to get her little boyfriend too."

"Leave him alone, you bastards."

"Haha. We got a fighter over here."

Yes. Very funny. I squirm, kicking at everything even if I can hardly move my legs. There's one last thing left, to scream. I scream as loud as I can using every inch of strength I have left.

As soon as I feel the cool air, I get punched in the face, probably as a sign to shut up. It doesn't stop me though, I continue screaming, but that leads me to a harder punch nearly knocking me out. I give up and finally relax my muscles falling into the arms of my kidnappers.

I wake up cold, scared, and guess what being blind doesn't really help when you have no clue where you are.

"Ariel, your awake." Mitch whispers, clutching me softly.

"I am. I'm glad your okay." I say, holding in my sobs.

The door slams open, causing me to flinch in his grasp.

"Aw the cute couple is awake." He says laughing.

I hear him move closely to me, pushing Mitch out of the way. I start shaking as he pulls me up, swinging him over my shoulder. He walks out of the room, as I hear Mitch screaming my name. I start to cry pounding my fists against the mans back.

He throws me down, my broken wrist crashing against the floor, making it snap even more. He laughs as I cry out in pain clutching my wrist, while rocking on the cold floor.

He punches me, sending back to the ground, and once again clutching my wrist. I don't think I can do this and it hasn't even been that long. He throws something at me, and after he throws it I realize its wet. It's water. I cry out as the sharp glass hits my face and drops of water drop onto my tongue, and i savor every last drop.

He laughs at my pain and walks out slamming the door. I lay there on the ground, emotionless, and shaking. Why is this happening to me.

A week, a whole week with not even a glass of water and a piece of bread. My kidnapper was stupid enough to keep me living, because he says we're family. Creepy, huh.

I don't know if Mitch is even alive, or just on the edge of almost dead. That's what worries me the worst. Not myself, Mitch. I can't even think of life without him.

I cry myself to sleep, rocking on the cold, wet ground, shaking.


This wasn't long but I kinda have writers block, sorry ;-;

anywho tell me if you like this chappptterrrr and ill write more about the kidnapp. :)

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now