chapter four

537 16 4

hope your all having a good day!


/ at the mall /

"Hey Cammie, let's go to the Aeropostale?"

She nods excitedly, we walk in, and I choose some crop tops, and high wasted shorts. We walk out, and in the corner of my eye I notice Mitch and Brianna sitting at Aunt Annie's.

I suck in tears, and nudge Cammie towards them. Her eyes widen, obviously confused.

"There dating?" I breath in slowly, letting a small tear fall. "Yea" Anger flashes in her eyes.

"How dare she! She knows how much you like him!" "Exactly!"

Thank god somebody agrees with me. "Let's go over there" She nods in agreement, as we make our way over to their seat. Mitch laughs, and Brianna had a wide grin on her face. As soon as she turns to us, it quickly disappears into a frown.

"Hey Brianna, and Mitch!" I wave, letting Cammie do all the talking. I just sit and watch it all unfold.

"Uh hey?" His voice is so adorable, oh gosh. Brianna rolls her eyes, but still manages a wave. We stand there awkwardly, when I decide to speak up.

"Well bye guys!" I turn around and leave them, when I feel somebody tap my shoulder. I spin around and see Mitch standing there wide smiled. Looking over at Cammie, she has the same expression.

"Hey you wanna walk around together? For a sort of sorry for the whole party thing." Wow, I didn't know that made him feel bad.

"Sure!" I smile over at Cammie, who smiles back. All of a sudden Jerome comes out of nowhere, and kisses Cammie.

Well isn't that something. I raise my eyebrows, and Mitch chuckles. That's when I realize he ditched Brianna, who is nowhere to be found.

We walk through some shops, and I learn a lot about him. Behind his good looks, he has a even better personality. I haven't had so much fun in forever.

"Hey your actually a really nice, funny person Ariel. You should try that in school" I blush a dark crimson red.

"Wow thanks, nobody's ever complemented me." I sigh, looking down. That's when I feel a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Hey listen, on Monday, come to school in some sweats and a bun. Trust me you'll like it"

I laugh, and shrug my shoulders. I mean why not?

/ Monday /

I wear exactly what Mitch said. Some sweats and a comfy, pink Aeropostale shirt. I slip on some uggs, and decide to let my curls flow. No straightening.

I still apply makeup though. It makes me feel better about myself. I check the new me, and honestly it's nice.

Walking downstairs I grab a granola bar, trying to watch my weight. I can't help it, I'm always keeping an eye out.

I walk outside and feel a cool breeze, and the sun shining on my forehead. As I walk down the side walk, I see Mitch in his car again, smiling at me.

He waves, and I wave back, trying my hardest not to run around town screaming Mitchell Hughes waved at me!

Maybe today will be good after all.

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now