chapter 13

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"I'm not lying."

His chocolate brown eyes, show no emotion, except scanning my face for something. His hands are down at his sides, knuckles white and strained.

"Get the hell out of my way."

Pushing past him, I struggle to hold back tears. I won't let him know I'm weak and sad without him.

I'm trying to deny my feelings for him. Except they continue to come back, haunting me as I sleep.

After schools over, I'm getting my own home and getting the hell out of here.

Tapping Jason's shoulder, he looks up, his smile wiping off his face.


Somebody is on their man period. God damn.

"I'm getting out of here."

He shrugs, making me more annoyed then I already am. Why are all guys such asses?

As I walk back to the hotel, I notice all the beaches, and decide I'll change into my bathing suit and take a dip.

/ beach /

I lay out my towel, and pick up my book. The burning sun beams into my back. Applying some sun screen, a shirtless guy walks up to me.

Will they ever leave me alone?

"I see your alone."

I stop applying the white substance, and look up.

"Yay! You can see!"

He chuckles, and settles himself next to me.

"And who do you think you are?"

"I'm Eric. Eric Patterson."

"Great, now goodbye."

Waving him off, he still sits there. Planted to the ground.

I cross my hands over my chest, and stare at him. Silence thickens the air, and all you hear is the waves and seagulls.

"Your a feisty one."

Ignoring him, I look around him at the waves crashing onto the sand. Finally peaceful, I lay down, and let my eyes drop close.

After a couple of seconds, I feel his presence next to me.

"Get the hell away from me."

"Nah, I'm good."

Eyes still closed, I can picture the smirk on his face.

Opening one of my eyes I catch a quick look at him. He's got fluffy black hair, and piercing blues eyes.

He's not very muscular, but why would that matter, and just by our little conversation I can tell he's cocky.

"Your cocky."

"Ooh that's different from hot. Usually girls swoon over me."

I laugh, and immediately regret it.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Well again, I'm Eric. I live with my dad, and I love food."

Isn't that just so informational. How do I know he's not going some rapist or something.

"And how is that supposed to make me instantly trust you?"

"Because how could you not?"

I snort, and sit up.

"Goodbye Eric."

A sad expression crosses his face, and his shoulders tense.


Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now