chapter 14

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As I pack up my things, his hand taps my shoulders. Grunting I turn around.


"Where are you heading off too?"

"Have you ever thought of peoples privacy?"


Breathing in deeply, I decide my choices. Either I run away from this freak-show, or I socialize and he leaves me the hell alone.

"What do you need?"

"A cuddle buddy."

"You've got to be shitting me."

His eyebrows raise, and he stifles a laugh.

I turn back around, and start to make my way back to the hotel. Hearing his feet slide against the sand, makes me roll my eyes. Am I really this attractive?

"Hey, listen."

I look over to his pleading eyes, asking if I would just talk to him. Sighing in defeat, I relax a bit. He can't be that bad.

"I'm all ears."

"Listen, I'm heading over to the board walk. Want to come?"

"Sure, why not."

As we head over, I sneak a look over to him, noticing his features. He has the typical wavy hair. His bright blue eyes work well with his freckles, and he has a rounder face.

He starts to head over to where the rides are, and my breathing quickens. I've never gone on anything like that.

As he heads to the ticket booth, I hold onto his arm for comfort. He laughs, and asks for some tickets.

"Are you okay?"

"I've uh never um been rode anything like this."

His eyes widen, and he slaps my arm. I flinch back, and his eyes are apologetic.

"You've got to be kidding."

"Nope" I say, popping the P.

"This is going to be fun."


He grabs my arm, and pulls me towards the 'Rocky Road' which apparently to Eric, is the coolest roller coaster around.

Skeptical about it all, I still get onto the ride.

As soon as the ride makes it's way to the top, a smile makes it's way onto my face. I look over at Eric, who screams out a large "WOOOOOHHOOOOO."

The wind slaps me in the face, as the ride plummets down, probably into my death. Screaming, my stomach bounces in my stomach.

The rush excites me, and as soon as it started it was over.

Breathless as we get off, I still manage to speak.

"That was awesome!"

"Told you!"

Laughing, we head over to a cotton candy machine, and sit down on a rickety bench. As I pick off the pink fluff, I catch Eric looking at me.

"This was fun"

"Yea, totally."

"So are you from here?"

"No. I'm here because of some convention."

He pouts, and his shoulders shrug.

"This sucks." He states, making an exaggerated hand motion.


"Because I won't be able to see you all the time."

Slapping his shoulder, he let's out the most girly yelp.

Laughing, I realize I finally made a friend.


Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now