chapter one

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I hate this chapter with a passion.


I shove through the crowded halls of Hank High, all I'm trying to do is survive a day without getting knocked over here people! I walk through the cafeteria doors, and see my best friends Cammie, and Brianna, sitting at the table with their love men.

As I walk over, I see Mitch talking to that nerd Angelica. Why does he want her so bad? I mean look at those shoes, and hair! Makes me want to puke.

When I sit at the table, I notice Cammie talking to Jerome, about how she steeped in a mud puddle this morning and ruined her shoes, while Brianna looks at her food in disgust.

I tap her shoulder lightly. "Here babe, take this water and apple" I shove the apples towards her, as she laughs, gladly taking the food. Suddenly Mitch walks over. My heart rate picks up, and I swear to god my face is probably as red as a tomato.

He pokes Brianna lightly, and motions for her to follow. She gives a questioning look, but still follows him out of the cafeteria. Jason sits there, giving me the 'Why did he want her look' and I just shrug, even though I wish it was me.

I've had a crush on Mitch since middle school, when he first arrived. I had a whole diary of just my feelings I felt towards him. I even said I wouldn't date anyone except Mitch, and honestly that's how it's turning out.

Ever since he came into my life, I've had no other interest in any other boy. He sort of puts me in a trance. That's when I thought of the perfect idea.

I'll throw a party! Then he'll ought to come, have fun, and we could hook up.

I'm a genius! I say, as I head out of the cafeteria to cheerleading practice.


As soon as I get home I text Cammie and Brianna to text everyone they know a party is happening at my house Friday night. My parents don't care since there never home anyways.

If they do catch me, they'll just join the party! They honestly have never cared about me. It's great!

Sometimes I feel lonely though, and I feel as if I should give somebody else my pain.

Which is exactly why I aka 'bully' people.

I mean if I can't live happy why should they?

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora