chapter 26

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I wake up, in a warm bed, Mitch's arms wrapped around me. At first, I just sigh softly and close my eyes, but they immediately open when I realize what Mitch did before. I sit up, and move his arms off me, causing him to jolt up.

"Are you okay!?!"

"Yeah. I'm fine, but why the fuck would you leave me on the beach you asshole!"

'I uh, I can't tell you."

"So you're cheating on me..."

His eyes go wide, "No! I was doing something for you. I thought you'd stay in the car!"

"You could've told me to stay. I'm done with your excuses, Mitchell."

I stomp away, and go into my own room and slam the door. I hear him quietly walk towards it, and then continue walking. The door beeps, telling my blind ass he's leaving. Breathing a sigh of relief, I use my hands to look for my iphone, and click random buttons, so my music will start.

-2 hours later-

Knock. Knock.


I grunt, and slowly make my way to the door, and I find the handle, and slowly open it. I smell the smell of roses and I feel him take my hand, and put it on the flowers.

-Mitchells POV-

I place her delicate hand on the roses, and watch as a small smile creeps her face, shes looking at the kitchen, but I know she doesn't know that.


"Your favorite." I smile, and kiss her cheek lightly.

She guides her hand to my cheek and leans forward, I help and move closer, and as soon as we kiss, butterflies erupt in my stomach.

This may be a mistake but I do it anyways, I get on my knee and take out the shining ring.


I quickly stand up, realizing this is not the place it do it.

"Uh, come with me."

I take her hand, and walk out the door, and lock it, hands still intertwined. Helping her into the seat next to me, I drive to the park, her favorite place in the world.

"Where are we?"

"The park." I smile, watching and she does a little happy dance.



"Yes, babe??"

I get on one knee, and take out the ring, and a small tear goes down my face.

"Will you marry me?"

"Wait are you on your knee!?"

"Yes babe." I chuckle. "I am."

"Oh my god. Yes. Yes!" She starts crying out of her not working eyes and I slip the ring onto her finger, and engulf her into a hug.

"I love you so much Ariel." I say through tears of happiness.

"I love you so so much Mitchell."

I scoop her up in my arms, and put her back in my car, and drive back to the house. Hopefully Rob set up the candles and roses and what not.

When we arrive, and I carry her to my room, she smiles wide, at the smell of candles of roses.

"Is this like roses everywhere with candles?"

"Yep!" I smile wide.

"That's amazing Mitch."

I walk over and kiss her, and she falls back onto the bed, kissing her sends sparks through my body. Every single one.

I've never loved anyone so much.


I was listening to happy music during this. If it was sad who knows what would've happened. This made me so happy. :)

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now