chapter ten

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I just looove being sick!


"Long story"

"I've got time"

He rubs his forehead in frustration, and sighs.

"Nope. Now listen, you can stay over at my house, it'll be fine!"

"Fiinneee" I give in, and smile.

/ time skip until weekend :P /

I wake up to whispers, rubbing my eyes, I glance over at the clock 9:30. Who the hell would be up that early? I mean come on people it's weekend.

Pressing my ear to my door, I hear two faint voices. One sounds like Mitch and the other one? No way. It's Cammie!

"Babe, I told you it's just an experiment!"

What the he-

"You love me though, right?"

"Ofcourse, when would I like Ariel? She's totally annoying"

Ouch. I feel my body start to shake, so I clench my knuckles and continue listening.

"How much longer?"

"Until I take her virginity"

Wait, excuse me? Am I some kind of game?

I curl my fingers around the doorknob, ready to burst open the door. Twisting the knob, I yank it open, shaking and all.

Both of their heads twist towards me, fear in both eyes.

I point a shaky finger at Cammie.

"H-h-how DARE y-you! Screaming I shove her with a hand.

"Keeping this secret from me? You're my best friend Cammie! Or so I thought."

Now I turn my attention to Mitch, tears pouring down my eyes.

"How could you? I-I loved you. So much, but I guess your just like the others."

I push past them, and run out. Running as fast as I can, I take as many turns I can take. They can't find me. Finally I break down, sweat and tears everywhere.

Why me? Why must it be me? What did I do wrong?

/ two days later /

It's been two days. I've been to Brianna's house, she helped me out. Then she told me to go knock on Jason's door.

Who is he anyways?

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now