chapter 22

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"So Ariel, how did you become blind?" Josie asks, as I hear her sip on her drink.

I chuckle, not exactly want to share. "It's not really something I like to talk about, sorry."

Mitchells hand tightens, and I feel them becoming sweatier. I squeeze his thigh, telling him everything is alright.

"Josie oh my god! You don't just ask people that!" Angel cries, laughing.

"Oh my. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was that big of a deal!"

I hear Mitchell chuckle, and sigh. Finally after forever waiting, I smell french fries, and hear my plate getting put in front of me.

"FINALLY!" I scream, using my hand to search for one of the beautiful master pieces. Everyone starts laughing, as we all start to stuff our face. Well at least, I think so. I mean everyone is so quiet, so how could they not be eating!

/ Home /

"Babe did you have fun?" Mitch asks, as he sits me on the couch.

"I think my favorite part was the french fries. They we're probably the best fries I've had in years!"

He chuckles, and I can feel his shaking his head, "Honestly my favorite part was the french fries, too!"

After about an hour, he tells he's going to get some pizza from pizzahut. Excited, I find my way back to the couch, and feel around for my ipad and earphones. I have it opened to my music, so I usually find my way around the screen, and click a random song. Like it or not, I guess I really do have to listen to it. Thats when Eric's song comes up. Its an old song, a slow one too.

As soon as I hear it, I tear up, and start to cry. I can't help it, my heart dies a little everytimes something with Eric comes up. I hear somebody knock on the door, and on first reaction ignore it. The knocking gets louder, and harder too, and I start to get scared. Im fucking blind and crying and now some wierdo decides to knock on my door? The knocks get louder and louder, and I hear a man yelling now. His voice is high, and sounds like he hasn't fully gone through puberty yet.


Wait Mitch? "Mitch! Oh my! I'm coming!" I hobble over to the door, and reach to open it. I smell the pizza and moan in happiness.

"Silly. Who did you think I was?"

"Well you were pretty rough on the knocking there. Should've just said you were Mitch."

He chuckles, and I hear him head over to his room. Whats that silly boy doing know? I hurry over trying to catch up with him, when I trip over something in the hall. I feel myself letting go of my cane, and hit the floor.

I scream in pain and hold my wrist, tears coming out of eyes that dont even work.

"MITCH COME ON AND HELP ME!" I scream, feeling the bone poking out of my wrist. Nobody comes. Mitch doesn't come, and take me to the hospital. Where IS he?

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now