chapter two

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enjoy this chapter, ily all <3


/ before party /

I straighten my hair, and apply eyeliner, mascara, blush, the whole works. Finally I squeeze into a tight red dress that stops right near my butt. ( A/N I would never wear this XD )

Smiling, I squeeze on some black heels to finish the whole look off. I walk down the stairs to prepare for the party.

/ after preparing /

Finally, the first guest arrives. I open the door, to hundreds of people flooding through, already hanging by the bar, and dancing. I laugh a little, and continue to let people in.

After a while, I decide to drink some myself, and find Mitch. I spot him sitting outside on my bench in the backyard. What is he doing out there?

I slide the glass doors open, and proceed to sit next to him. Nerves start to kick in, but I quickly push them away.

"Why are you out here? The parties inside!" He gives me a side glare and inhales sharply. What am I doing wrong? Scared, I slowly put my hand on his shoulder, as a sign of comfort.

"Are you ok?" "Why would you care?" Ouch. "He's alive!" I scream a little to loud, ok I'm officially just nervous. I've never had a conversation with him!

He laughs a little, but quickly stops and faces my way. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I've never heard that one before.

"What do you mean?"

He rolls his eyes and sighs again, like he's preparing for a speech of some sort.

"Your basically a typical high school cheerleading bitch, who only seems to care about herself, and never thinks about the effect she has on people. You know that girl Kelly you bullied in middle school? Well she was my best friend, and you know what? She thought everyone hated her and ended up moving because of you. So yes I'm confused the witch has a heart"

His words are so strong. Making me want to ball up and cry. I know I'm mean, but I never knew I took that big of effect on people.

Instantly my eyes water up, and I feel as if the world was spinning, finally I choke out "you don't know me, or the things I've gone through Mitchell! I have nobody!" I put my heads in my hands.

I can't stop them, all the tears just pour out, no, no he can't see I'm weak. I run inside and up into my room. What a great party, eh?

/ Monday /

As I get ready for school, all I think about is how I freaked out on Mitch. He probably hates me even more now.

I put on some polka dotted leggings,with a Minnie Mouse, sweater over them. I slip on some flats, and a matching polka dot headband.

Checking myself out one more time, I head out of my door. As usual nobody's home, or there not awake yet. As I walk past my parents room, I peek into their room, to find them sleeping soundly in bed.

They seem so caring, and sweet sleeping. Even though there demons when they awaken.
I walk out of the house, stomach growling. As I walk down the sidewalk I see Mitch riding in a car, staring at me.

I immediately look down, trying to avoid eye contact. This is going to be a long day.

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now