chapter five

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As soon as I walk in all eyes fall on me. I guess there confused the popular girl is wearing sweatpants.

I slowly make my way slowly to my locker. I punch in the code, and Mitch walks up to me, Brianna stuck to his side.

"Oh hey guys" I give a pathetic smile, and they oddly return a real one.

"How does it feel to wear something different?" Mitch states.

"It feels...nice!" I give a proud smile, and the bell rings, causing us all to rush to our classroom.

/ after school /

As I make my way out of the door, somebody taps my shoulder. It's Brianna.

"Hey babe, Mitch is staying over at my house tonight, you want to come too?" ( A/N it's Friday btw XD )

I consider not going, possibly being the third wheel, but how can I pass this up?

I nod, and even though she'll never care, text my mom I won't be home tonight. We walk up to her car, and get in. As we drive Brianna looks my way, a concerned look stretches across.

"Listen, I know you've always had a crush, I just.. I love him" she blushes, and a small smile stretches onto my face.

"Hey, no worries, if your happy I'm happy."

She sighs, letting out a breath I didn't know she was holding. We arrive, and she calls Mitch, telling him to come over, and that I'm here. She says he'll be here any minute.

/ Mitch arrives /

Brianna and Mitch kiss, and he gives me a side hug. I start to blush, and turn away, my curly hair slapping his face.

He chuckles, and we make our way down to the basement. Brianna's parents tell us to try to be a little quiet, because her little brother is sleeping just upstairs.

We all sit criss crossed on the floor, trying to think of something to do. After a while we start to talk, just about random crap.

"So Ariel, do you like anyone?" Mitch asks, eyebrows raising.

"Erm, nobody?"

"Your lying"

"Well duh, but it doesn't matter"

"Why can't you tell me!"

"It's because it's you dumb ass!"

His eyes widen, and slaps his forehead. Shaking his head he looks back up at me.

"Why have I not noticed?"

"I don't know I mean it's pretty secret, plus I've liked you since the third grade!"

He blushes, and Brianna nudges him, and whispers in his ear. His mouth forms into a frown, and looks at me, one eyebrow raised.

Oh no what is she telling him. She knows lots, and I've done some really stupid things in my life too, so who knows what he told him.

He clears his throat, and Brianna gets up to go get some drinks.

"Is it true?"

"What is it?"

"You've messed around in parties"

"Oh for god sake, I was drunk! Yes I did, and I hate myself for it, I didn't even know some of the boys names"

A single tear rolls down my face, and Mitch reaches over and wipes it slowly with the back of his hand. He opens his arms, insisting a hug.

I wrap my arms around him, and for the first time a real genuine smile appears on my face. He sighs, and puts my cheeks in his hands.

"I would never judge you, after all best friends don't judge each other"

I giggle.

"Best friends?"

"Best friends."

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now