chapter 18

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"How am I supposed to get to you?"

I sigh, " I don't know, just please help me out."


"I thought you hated me."

I think about this. He's right. One second I'm running from him, and the next I'm asking for him to come and save me. Be my prince charming.

"Mitch, please."

"I'm serious."

"God damn, just help me out."

"Alright, alright."

Then the line went dead. Silence thickens the air, and I hear Johns silent whimpers. I go into the bathroom, and look at myself in the mirror. My hazel eyes look dead, and I have dark heavy circles under my eyes. I look like a freaking raccoon. Great.

I splash some water onto my face, and set my phone on the toilet. I brush out my tangly hair, when I hear my phone beep.

Mitch: I'm coming. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 8:00.

I smile at this, and slowly text him back.

Ariel: Thank you. So so much. I knock on John's door, and after a couple seconds, it slowly creaks open. I give him a small smile, that probably looks fake. He gives me the best one he can back, and I take a seat next to him.

"I'm leaving."

He looks over at this, his eyes filled with sadness. I almost burst into tears from his haunting look.

"You're leaving me?" He stutters, sucking in a breath.

I hold his hand and nod slowly. "I can't stay here forever."

"I know."


"Yes, Ariel?"

"Even when I leave, don't stop living. Don't stop being the cheerful person I know you are. You can't let this bring you down. Find another woman, and keep living, Ok?"

He nods, and he gives me a small smile again. Except this time, I know its real.


You guessed it, Mitch picked me up, and now I'm sitting on a plane next to him. It was hard saying goodbye to John.

I know he wanted me to stay, I saw it in his dark eyes. Mitch and John shook hands, and then we we're off.  Without another word.

I haven't spoken to Mitch yet. Not once. It's to hard. I know, I know, I'm being selfish. But honestly the awkward tension, is loud enough.


So many memories in one house. On the car ride back, I actually ended up talking to him.

"Why we're you going to do it?"

"Do what?"

"Don't play fucking stupid, you know what I'm talking about."

I cant read his expression, his eyes are focused on the road, and his lips are in a straight line. No sense of emotion anywhere.

Except as soon as I say stupid, his grip on the wheel tightens.

"Why can't you just let it go" He growls, his eyes becoming dark.

"Let it go?"

"Yea sure, I'll just let that go. Not like you using me and then throwing into a pit, is a big deal. Psh, nope. Just the normal."

"Oh come on, you're exaggerating."


503 words.

I don't know why, but I just noticed it says how many words in the top right corner. Opps.


Sorry, I'm listening to P!ATD.


Lots of love,


Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant