chapter 21

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(( Ariel's POV))



She fucking said forever.

I never get to see Mitchell's gorgeous eyes. Or the worlds beautiful colors. Never get to see my friends again, only hear. Never get to see the gorgeous fall colors, and the delicate snow that covers the ground. Never get to see the green grass, and the colors of this gorgeous world.

"This is all my fault." Mitchell says, I hear him sob, and rush over to me, clutching me in his warm open arms.

"Mitchell" I whisper, his tears staining my back.

"It's not your fault. It's both of us. I don't hate you. Please, don't cry. Please." My voice doesn't go higher than a whisper.

"I'll leave you two alone" The nurse says, quickly scurrying off.

Mitchell cups my cheeks, and I feel his lips touch mine. I close my eyes, even if I can't see, and kiss him back, my whole body erupting in fireworks. My hands touches his cheeks, and he passionately kisses me, I feel so much love, so much happiness. Even if I am blind.

/ Week Skip /


I hear Mitch's voice ringing through the hallways, piercing my ears. Groaning, I get up and reach for my cane next to my bed. I hobble out of the room, and smell the delicous smell of canadian bacon.

I left my old public school and started to go to a school for people who are blinded. It's amazing, nobody judges you, because you all know how it feels to be left with something somebody else has.

I've learned to deal with me being blind. It sucks, I'm not going to lie. I'd love to see colors and people and know what is making a certain sound, but it also helped me for the better. Mitch and I have never been so close before, and I feel so complete, so perfect with him.

After our little kissing scene in the hospital we started to date. I've asked him countless time if it's because he feels bad for me, but he says he has always wanted a relationship with me. It makes me feel bubbly inside, but this doesn't mean I 100% trust him yet. He's said some things that have made my trust for him shrivel but he's slowly earning it back.

If your wondering about Cammie and Bri, they don't even know what happened. I completely cut off any source of contact with them. I got a new phone, new school and have a whole new set of friends that treat me great. I love them. Where have they been all my life?

They're is two of them.

Angel. Who is the exact opposite of her name. She's been blind since she has been born and from what she tells me, she has brown hair, brown eyes, and loves to wear sweaters. She knows these details from her grandparents who have been taking care of her since she was born. Her parents gave her up as soon as the doctors said she was blind. Guess they couldn't deal with a daughter who was different.

Sammi. She's a girl, but hates her body. Always wanted to be a boy. She has short ginger hair, like a boys, and has brown eyes, with freckles. She has been blind since one year ago, why? I'm not sure, she says she doesn't like to relive the moment. She lives with her older sister, who is 21 years old. I guess she doesn't live with her parents for a reason that probably has to do with why she is blind. So, unlike Angel she has seen the beautiful colors of the world. She says she can't wait until she can transfer into a boy. I couldn't imagine how she can live, hating every inch of her body.

Then there's me. I'm pretty much a complete wreck, and have gone through some shitty stuff, just like them. That's how I think we're so close. We get each other, and that's better than anything.

It's weekend, Mitch and I were going to go see Angel and her girlfriend. From what she sounds like, she seems adorable and really sweet.

I hobble my way over to Mitch, and he helps me go over to his car, by holding my free arm.

/ At Cafe /

"Man I love this icy weather, its my favorite!" Angels girlfriend Josie explains, squealing.

"Hm I don't know why you love it so much, babe. I'm more of a let me soak in the sand and hear the boys checking me out."

"Ouch! You're mine, so the next time they do that tell me and I'll flip my finger."

Mitch and I chuckle, and under the table lock hands. Mine as usual sweaty, and his cold and stern.

Even blind, I've never been happier.

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