chapter 16

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[ the f bomb is dropped in this chapter lololol just warning ya now. ]


Here I'm sitting in the cold, plain hospital waiting room. I haven't heard anything about Eric, and I'm going mentally insane.


Seriously this place is so scary and quiet. No wonder everybody fears these things. I look around, trying to keep my mind off of all my bad thoughts.

There's a mother, head in her hands and shaking. Poor thing. Beside me, a boy looking around my age looking straight ahead, but I see a glint of tears.

My own vision becomes foggy, when I hear my name being called. My head snaps up, and I see a doctor standing there, sympathy in her brown eyes.

"Yes?" I croak, shakily standing up.

"You can see Eric now."

She leads me over to his room, and as soon as I walk in, I have to look away. His usually fluffy black hair is in tangles, and his tan body is pale.

I can't see his piercing blue eyes, or hear his cocky attitude. Shit, I love that attitude. I take a seat in those stupid plastic chairs.

Holding his cold, pale hand, tears start to stream down my face.

"Eric." More tears.

"Please Eric. Don't leave me." Shaking.

"I know I've only known you for a bit, but I need you. You're amazing."

"Please." I whisper.

Letting go of his hand, I look up trying to bite back a sob. I can't bear looking at his pale, limp body. All those machines hooked up to him.

That's when his beeping heart machine goes dead. Fucking dead.

"NURSE!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I press the emergency nurse button, more like slamming my fist into it.

They all come rushing in, and by then my whole body is having a panic attack. So many tears, so much pain.

Somebody drags me out, and I'm screaming and crying at the same time.


"Shh." They sooth, and guide me back to the goddamn waiting room. I plop back on, and rock myself back and forth.

I have nobody to comfort me, or hold me, or tell me it's all going to be myself. Starting to uhm to myself, I realize I probably look like a lunatic.

Looking up, I take myself to the bathroom to calm down. Looking at myself, I realize I have raccoon eyes, and my hair in put up in a messy bun. I look like somebody threw me in a trash can.

(( hours later ))


Looking up from my magazine, the nurse looks at me sad.

"I'm sorry."

"What's that supposed to mean!" I yell, and hold my head.

"Eric has passed away."


I feel myself sinking to the ground, and sit there balled up crying.



I can't believe I'm crying over my own darn book.

*hugs self*

sorry guys. no worries I'm updating the next chapter in the next couple of hours.

you won't have to wait that long.

I was listening to some sad music, so look where that got me.

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now