chapter 20

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School. Shit.

I totally forgot! My piercing alarm, reminds me of that, as I quickly scramble to sit up. After multiple times of hitting the snooze button, I finally yank the cord and pull it off of the wall.

Rubbing my sleep deprived eyes, I slowly make my way to the bathroom. As soon as I shut my door, Mitchell also comes out, fully dressed.

"Dude, school starts in thirty minutes, hurry up."

I nod, and head over to the bathroom. I try to keep my eyes away from the mirror, and not notice how ugly I look. Throwing my hair into a messy bun, I head into the shower.

Thinking time.

Have you ever done that? Think out all the problems in your life, while standing in that hot, steamy shower. The hot water, wakes me up, and I'm finally out.

Now do I really have to into detail about what I did next? No? Good.


"Mitchell where are we going? This is not the direction of your house."

Nothing happened today at school. It was the same as I had left it, and nothing changed except the new set of plastics. Haha, Mean Girls reference.

"Somewhere you will enjoy."

"I don't enjoy things, if your there."

"Ouch dude, that hurts."

I put my hands up in surrender, and hug my jacket tighter around me.

"Tell me."

"No Ariel! Its a secret!"

"Fine" I huff, and sink back into my seat.




"Wake UP!"

"What you asshole, I was trying to sleep!"

"We're here."

I look outside to see, an amusement park. How cliche is that! As I get out, he walks over and reaches for my hand. Sucking in a breath, I tangle my hands in between his and we enter the park.

Kids. Lots and lots of screaming kids. Yes, there adults but the rest are annoying thirteen year old boys who haven't reached puberty, so their screams sound like mine, but higher.

"Lets go on the anaconda!" I look over to see where Mitchell is pointing, and just by looking at it, I'm about to throw up.

"Are you insane!"

"Just a bit."

He pulls my into the line, and by the time we're seated in the cart, I'm clutching onto his body for dear life.

I start to scream, and hold on even tighter, when I hear him laugh.

"Ariel, I hasn't even started honey."

I slowly open my eyes, and just as they're fully open, the ride goes into motion. By the fifth flip I'm about ready to throw up my break-feast, lunch, and everything else in there.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Help me!" I scream, as I feel myself flipped one more time. Finally the ridiculous ride stops, and my heart is thumping so fast, I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

Due to how scared I was, I can't even move when the ride stops, so Mitch has to physically pick me up, and carry me off the ride.

I close my eyes, and hear his heartbeat. It's moving the same pace as mine, and I feel his body warm up as soon as he curls his arms around me.



That's when I fell asleep, in the arms of the one and only Mitchell Hughes.


I wake up in a car, a nice and slow one too. No twists and turns, just going straight. Ahh, I love it.

"You're awake."


"Sorry bout' that."


"Making you pass out from the ride."

I laugh, "It's not your fault, silly."

He looks over at me, and starts laughing too. Sooner or laughter we're both cracking up, when I see his hands go off the wheels.

That's the biggest mistake today.


Darkness. That's all I see, darkness. I try to force my eyes open, but they stay shut, unable to open. Trying to move a finger, toe, anything all impossible. I can still hear though. Hear the beeping and smell of death.

Wait, I'm in a fucking hospital! Darkness so much darkness. I hear the door open and close, and they come over and sit by me.

"Ariel, oh my god, I'm so sorry. Listen, or not. Your not going to die, your body is just in shock. So your supposed to wake up by tomorrow, then they can really see whats wrong.

I feel his warm hand, and I know its Mitchell. Feeling his lips on my forehead makes me tingle, and I so badly want to kiss him back right now.

Finally, I can feel my body gain its strength, I curl my toes my fingers, and finally open my eyes.

Darkness, why is there still darkness? I know I opened my eyes I felt it, I really did!

"Ariel your awake!"

"Mitchell. I can't see!"



"Doctor Stevens what is wrong!"

"Well, when you got in the car accident, a piece of glass got stuck in her cornea, therefore blinding here, forever.


Yep, I'm the worst.

*evil laugh insert here.*

Lots of love,


Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now