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Over the next few months, Alana continued to help Niall with his rehab and he was soon walking again. He wasn't able to run or play soccer like he had, but was able to slowly regain his ability to drive his motorcycle, which for him was enough.

Alana had received a letter somewhere along the way that she had made the team, and was being considered for a scholarship to play at a nearby college. She was more than excited and couldn't believe that she was even being considered, but Niall knew all along what she was capable of.

Alana wanted to attend a school that was close to home in order to be near her family and so that she could visit Niall, who she assumed was making the same decision.

Niall however, wanted to get away from their hometown and decided to attend a college a few hours away. Alana respected his decision and they felt that it was best for them to split.

They kept in touch for a while before slowly drifting apart, creating new friendships at their new homes and dating a person or two. No one, however, made them feel as they had been with each other.

Harry had remained friends with the both of them, but had lost touch with both somewhere along the way.

Two or three years later, Alana found herself at her last game. She was more than excited, but was sad in the fact that not once did Niall show up for any of her games. He had been the one who had gotten her there in the first place.

That game, she played her heart out and had the best game of her life. She decided to stay for a while after the game, in the stadium she had once spent nights out on with Niall and admired the view.

When she finally decided to leave, she made her way down to the front door, where someone stood.

Her heart almost stopped when she noticed the blonde hair and tattoos.

Niall came out from the shadows cast by the building and stood in front of her, before getting down on one knee and asking her to marry him. She said yes, of course.

10 years later

Niall's P.O.V.

"Alright, I think we should listen to some pump up music to get you excited, or do you want to have a pep talk? I used to always like to listen music when I was your age but whatever works because I just want you to do your best and-"

"Babe, I think she's going to fine. Right sweetie?" I turn to see blonde pig tails in the back nodding.

My eyes then go from her to Alana sitting in the passenger seat. She was still just as beautiful as she was when I had first met her.

"Keep your eyes on the road." She smirks before looking over to me and I laugh, directing my attention to the long road ahead of me.

"When do I get off of this road exactly?" I ask, looking around to see if any exits were coming up soon.

Alana looks at her phone and points to a turn that seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Here we goooo!" I slowly turn around the exit as my eyes shift from the road to the tiny hands that are waving in the air as if we are riding on a rollercoaster.

Small giggles come from the backseat and we all laugh. She had the same laugh as her mother.

"Are you going to score a goal today, Belle?" I ask as we enter the main road. She giggles and shrugs.

"I dunno." Her sweet voice was irreplaceable.

"I think the turn is up here on the left." Alana points to a turn coming up on our right and I steer in, making Belle laugh again.

Today was her first ever soccer game, and she was more than excited. She hadn't been to any practices because of our busy schedule, so it would be her first time meeting her team and coach as well.

Once we pull into the park, she tries to unbuckle herself.

"Hold on, I'm coming hun." Alana hops out and runs around to Belle, opening her door and unbuckling her. "I think we're on field four, if you want to go find it. Daddy will bring your bag."

I hop out of the car as well and Alana hands me Belle's soccer bag.

"Can you believe it?" She stands in front of me, raising an eyebrow. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and kiss her nose.

"Nope. I just can't wait to see if our next kid is going to be a soccer star too." I see her cheeks turn bright red and she bites her lip.  "What?"

"You might be able to find out soon." I pick her up and swing her around, causing her to erupt into fits of laughter.

"Come on  we're going to miss her game." She grabs my hand and we begin walking over to the field where she stands next to someone who looks oddly familiar.

"Hey curly!" Niall yells, and sure enough, the one and only Harry Styles turns around, wearing a coaching uniform.

"I guess it all works out, doesn't it?" Alana says, looking up to me. I nod, kiss her cheek, and begin to lead her over to watch our daughter's first game.

The End :)



Ahhh the end! Thank you all who have stayed with me the whole way and I apologize for the busy, inconvenient schedule, but I have started a new fanfic, so go check that out!

I love you all so much!

See you in my next book,


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