Chapter 31

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Niall's P.O.V.

"So do you think that you would be able to give her a chance?" I held my breath, waiting for an answer as my nurse walked through my door.

I give her a small wave and she smiles, standing there patiently waiting for me to get off the phone.

"I would have to see some footage of her playing her something man. I mean I have looked at her records and seen that she has played with us before, but I will need to talk to some of her past coaches or something." Coach Grant said sighing.

I knew he wanted to do it. I knew he knew how talented she was and that he would put her on the team in a heartbeat, but there were rules and she had missed late tryouts.

"If I get her to come to a private tryout or something do you think you could give her a chance?" I hear him sigh and run my free hand through my hair. "Come on man, you know how talented she is."

"I will have to talk to the head coach and get back to you. I'm going to do what I can, but don't be too surprised if it's a no."

"Okay, that's great." I smile and suddenly remember my nurse standing there waiting for me to hangup. "Call me when you know?"

"Sure thing. Talk to you later." I hangup and sit up more in my bed.

"Would you like to try today?" She glances over to the prosthetic leg on the table. I feel a pain in my gut and sigh. I hated to even look at it.

"I don't think I am ready." I shake my head and she gives me a simpathetic smile.

"Well, would you like to get some fresh air? I can take you outside in your wheelchair?" She offers, already starting to get it out.

"No it's fine. I think I'd rather just stay here."

"Oh come on. You haven't been outside in almost a week." She already starts to bring the wheelchair in the corner over to me but I shake my head.

"No really it's fine-"

"You're going outside and I am making you." She wheels the chair over to my bedside and holds a hand out to me but I just sit there.

"Can you even give me orders? Aren't you just the nurse?" She laughs and grabs my hand.

"Yes, I am just the nurse you takes care of you and makes sure you are still breathing. Now get up."

I groan and use all my strength to scoot over to the wheelchair and plop down, breathing fast and on the verge of sweating.

"Could you grab me my phone?" I hold out my hand and here her mumble something as I feel it being set in my palm.

I had texted Alana earlier this morning to see if she was planning on coming today and she still hadn't replied.

We roll out of the room and go down the hall until we reach an elevator.

Once we reach the bottom floor, she began to roll me through the massive group of people crowding in.

Everyone seemed so angry to be crowded but I was more than happy to know there were more people living in this world than just me, my nurse and Alana.

We go out the side entrance and I almost jump out of my wheelchair at the first thing I see.

"Hey babe." Alana smirks as she leans against my motorcycle.

I don't know what to do or say, so I just sit there while my nurse tells me that she will be inside so that I could have some free time, but she will be watching me through the window to make sure I don't escape or something.

Good Girls ≪ 1DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora