Chapter 23

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Alana's P.O.V.
4:35 am
"Niall." I rub my eyes, sitting up on the..bleacher seat? I glance around, now remembering that we had come here.
Why did we come here?
Niall's surgery..fuck.
I groan and tug on Niall's arm. "Niall come on. We have to go!"
I had no idea what time his surgery started and I would feel awful if he was late when I could have avoided it.
"Niall." He barely opens his eyes before looking around and then back at me. His hands then slap against his face and he curses, grabbing my hand as he stands up.
We slowly walk down the steps and Niall winces on almost each one. It was good that this would be putting him out of pain, but bad because of the cost...his leg..
"Do I have to go?" Niall looks at me with worried eyes and i wrap my arms around his neck, holding him as tightly as possible and he wraps his around my waist.
I press a light kiss to his neck and he holds me tighter, rocking me back and forth. I wish I could just hold him in my arms and forget the world like this forever.
But I can't. And he has to do this. He has to stay strong.
"It will be okay." I pull away to make eye contact with him. "I will be there the whole time."
"Promise?" He stares into my eyes and i nod.
"Of course."
He smiles before kissing me quick on the lips and turning towards the exit.
We continue to walk out when we see Ed walking in our direction.
"Oh fuck." His eyes go wide and Niall starts laughing, but I am still confused.
"Chill man, we didn't do anything." Niall smirks at me and I feel my cheeks turning red.
"I don't believe you but okay." Ed shakes his head and walks past us. That was embarrassing.
As soon as we get to Niall's motorcycle, we go straight to the hospital. It takes a little extra time because of how many red lights we were stuck at and how many green lights we missed because of him arguing with me about not eating.
I had told Niall he couldn't eat before his surgery but he would not stop trying to pull over to a McDonald's or Chik Fil a everytime i was "distracted."
Once we got there I got off, ready to walk in when I noticed Niall wasn't moving.
Has he ever had surgery before? I did when I was younger and I had gotten stitches, but I guess that didn't compare to getting a whole section of you taken away.
I walk over to him and put my hand on his cheek as I see his eyes tear up.
"It will be good. This is going to help you." I grab his hand and slowly he makes his way off of the motorcycle.
"Lets go."
"He will be out in probably an hour." the nurse smiles and I do too, taking a deep breath. He made it through.
I know it was a very unlikely chance of people not waking up, but it still made me nervous.
I still was nervous to see him. He would be in a wheelchair for a few weeks.
The nurse had told me how he was going to need to go to a lot of physical therapy once he got his prosthetic leg, since he would have to learn to walk again.
It hurt my heart to know how much pain he was going through. He really was so strong and I wish he would just realize that.
This was going to take a lot of therapy and I had been doing my research, figuring out what I needed to do to help him get better.
"So you have been um..talking to Niall?" I turn to Niall's mother, who had been sitting next to me for the past few hours. She hadn't said anything yet, and i understood. It was a stressful time.
"Umm...yes." I smile, trying not to get nervous. I was so bad with parents...
"So are you dating?" She rests her head on her hand and I hesitate before shaking my head.
"We umm..never confirmed anything." she nods before taking a bite of her snack that she had gotten an hour ago from the vending machine across the room.
"That sounds like him." she says with her mouth full.
"What do you mean?" I turn more towards her and she shrugs.
"He has always been sort of..shy about his feelings." Him? Shy? He never seemed shy with anyone else I had seen him with...
"I guess so."
She begins to ask my about my life and sports, and I tell her about my career in soccer. We don't stay on that topic for too long because of Niall's history, and quickly move on.
After a little while I notice her beginning to fall asleep.
She looked tired, restless almost, and I was glad that she was able to be resting now.
I walk up to the front desk and ask for a blanket for her.
As I am waiting for it I hear a voice calling my name.
I look around, trying to found out who it is, before I come across a face that I know all too well.
"Alana?" He begins walking over to me, looking nervous and shaky with his hands in his pockets.
"Harry?" It takes me a moment to process the thought that he was actually here after I told him to leave Niall alone before I walk over to the corner of the room, with Harry following me. I didn't want to annoy anyone.
"What are you doing here?" He shrugs and I roll my eyes.
"Just tell me." I cross my arms and lean against the wall.
"Today is his surgery, right?" Harry asks, referring to Niall while keeping his voice low.
"Uhh yeah why?" He bites his lip and looks down at the ground before looking back at me.
"I just..I wanted to see him."
{{a/n: ahhh sorry it's been awhile!
And sorry it is short and sucky but some shit is about to go down so:-)))
We are so close to 500 reads! Remember i will be updating a part of my new fanfic once we hit it!
Let me know what you think!
Omfg I watched the boys on the Today show yesterday and cried for five hours okay bye :-))))
Comment vote and keep READINGGG!

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