Chapter 17

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Um I don't know...G?" I turn on my turning signal as we go on the exit once again.

"No, let me try again." Alana runs her finger around my back, sending shivers up my spine. Her other arm grips right around my waist as she tries to hold on.

"I still think it's G." Alana quickly wraps her other arm around and buries her face into my back and shakes her head laughing.

"No it was Q."

"Whatever." I shake my head and slow down as we approach a stoplight. We were playing the alphabet game, her drawing letters on my back and I had to guess it.

We had been driving around the same loop for the past two and a half hours. All I wanted was to drive my motorcycle. I felt awful about dragging Alana with me but she inisisted.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back?" I look back at her. Fuck she was gorgeous, I could look at her all day. I missed her so much over the past few weeks, I honestly couldn't go any longer without her.

Before she is able answer the car behind us honks, signaling the green light and I make a face at them.

"Niall i can't take you anywhere." She laughs and buries her face into my back again. I laugh with her and begin driving.

"But I am going wherever you are going." she begins drawing letters on my back again until I pass a sign listing all of the upcoming fast food places.

"Do you want to go to chick fil a?" I turn my signal on, not even waiting for a reply.

"Yes I'm starving." i pull into a parking space and we hop off.

I hold out a hand to help her off, keeping my grip loose in case she wanted to let go afterwards, which she didn't.

"I think I want a milkshake. Or-oh god." she stops in her spot, her face reddening.


"I can't go in there dressed like this!" she motions towards her outfit and afterwards covering her face with her hands.

I walk up, taking her hands away from her face and wrap my arms around her waist.

"They will be too busy looking at your pretty face babe." she blushes and looks away.

"Niall." She whines and tries to escape back to the motorcycle but I pick her up by her waist.

"Niall put me down!" she laughs and I join her, walking into the restraunt. She struggles but I keep my grip until I realize we are inside. People begin staring and I put her down.

"They are staring because of my outfit." she tries to hide behind me and I let her, but still grab her hand in case she tries to escape.

"They always stare at mine." I mutter and walk up to the cashier.

Alana's P.O.V.

"They always stare at mine." Niall mutters and walks up to the cashier. I knew what he was talking about, his tattoos and black clothes. But that was his choice.

I walk up behind Niall, about to hug him from behind but decide not to. I had just gotten him back and didn't want to rush into anything or seem desperate.

Niall turns back to ask me what I want and I order a chocolate milkshake, suddenly reminded of the time Harry and I went to get milkshakes.

"You okay?" Niall askes, holding both milkshakes in his hands and I nod, giving him a smile and taking my milkshake.

I slowly sip my milkshake as we walk back to the motorcycle and sit down in front.

We drink our milkshakes in silence, him leaning over to sip some of mine before I just gave the rest to him.

Good Girls ≪ 1DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang