Chapter 6

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Alana's P.O.V.

It had been another long day at school and I was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Harry had texted me earlier saying he wasn't going to be at practice, but I still decided to go. This had really been helping me give my mind a break.

We had texted from about an hour after he dropped me off last night to three in the morning about whatever there was to talk about.

Unfortunately I had fallen asleep in the middle of our conversation about how Harry ate two whole packs of Oreos at once one time.

I still could not figure out how one person could consume that much food at one time. I could barely eat half of pack of oreos, maybe even just a third.

I found this very strange yet hilarious, but what was funnier and sort of scary was reading through our texts.

I did not remember sending half of them and luckily I sounded some what normal in them. I tended to do that when I was up late texting, texting someone but not remember saying what I had said or texting them at all.

I must have been exhasted, but that was not going to stop me from texting THE Harry Styles until 3 am.

After us talking, I truly believed Harry would have forgotten about taking me to school. if he had to focus on having a conversation with me before and after he went to sleep, he must think i am alright.

I would have thought Harry would think I was annoying, but he had texted me first.

I was more than happy when I saw him pull up my driveway. Harry had been kind enough to actually show up and drive me to school this morning and had acted slightly more shy than usual, but I found it cute.

I was actually sort of glad Harry wasn't here, only because I would have some time to focus on my training.

Luckily I didn't have to change because I ended up wearing athletic clothes to school.

To add to my stressful life, Mrs. Holly had assigned us another project in math and I was preparing myself for that. I still couldn't help but feel guilty about what happened with Niall and our previous project.

Mrs. Holly would always make references to it now since we ended up getting a 100%. No more no less.

I was still in shock of how intelligent Niall actually was.

Since then, Niall had moved his seat next to me. He wouldn't talk to me or anything, but everynow and then he would attempt to explain something to me.

Niall didn't answer any of my questions but when he noticed I was doing something wrong, because for some reason at times he would be looking at my paper, he would tell me.

Other than that I was on my own.

He was actually very attractive when he wasn't standing outside smoking a cigarette with the biggest slut in the school.

She would follow him around everywhere since they had hooked up once or twice.

I had actually asked him if he was into her at all and he just laughed saying that she followed him around. He had asked her to leave him alone multiple times but she was too stupid and cocky to get it.

I was actually sort of glad Niall wasn't attracted to that. This made him a little more stand-able you could say.

"Now i understand everyone believes you are insanely good in school, but the real question is are you insanely good at soccer?" None other than Niall leans against the bleachers, cupping his hands around a cigarette he is lighting.

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