Chapter 22

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Niall's P.O.V.

It was tomorrow.

The day I had been dreading for over a month. I groan and wrap myself tighter in my covers, not wanting to have to escape my bed.

It was 3:41pm and I hadn't gotten up all day.

I check my phone and see that Alana hasn't texted me back. I couldn't take it anymore. I knew she had been at school all day, and I didn't want to admit it, but I hated not having any old friends around to talk to. They all ditched me after I kinda ditched them.

I grab my phone and slowly stand up, grabbing my jacket and walking downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My mother calls to me from the couch. The first time in a while since she has asked or cared at all to be honest.

"Somewhere." i answer quickly before going outside, slamming the door behind me. I wince at the pain in my knee and walk over to my motorcycle.

This was it. The last time I would be able to ride it.

This motorcycle had meant so much to me, it was always my escape and now I had none. I had no clue what I was going to do after my surgery and I never wanted to even think about it.
I shake my head, lighting a cigarette as fast as I could and blow the smoke into the air.

I slap my fist against the seat and feel my eyes water up.

Everything was so fucked up. I hated this and I hated how sad I was all the fucking time. I hated everything and everyone and my mom for never doing anything about it.

I slowly get on, not even putting on my helmet (still grabbing Alana's because I knew she would want it.)

I start up the engine and begin driving, the wind pressing against my skin and blowing my hair away from my face. I turn and begin towards Alana's house, hoping she would be there.

Once I get there, I pull out my phone from my pocket. It rings for a few seconds before she picks up.

"Hello?" I hear her say.

"Hey, look out your window." I hear feet shuffle and look up to where her bedroom window was. She peeks her head out and smirks.

"Well hello." I wave and she hangs up, walking away to go downstairs.

I hear her yell something, probably to her mom, before coming outside.

"Hey, whatsup?" she wears a tshirt with tight dark wash skinny jeans and white converse.

Once she looks at my face, I see her look change and she runs her hands along her arms. "Are you okay?"

"You wanna go somewhere?" I ask, already in position. I knew she would say yes.

"Niall, what's wrong?" She takes a slow step towards me, not knowing how i will react.

"Nothing i just, need some fresh air." i take another drag of my cigarette as she laughs.

"Well that isn't going to happen unless you put that down." I reach out, hooking an arm around her waist and pulling her in.

"Well, you are luck, because the only time I would be able to do that is now. And the reason is because of you." a confused look comes across her face as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Why do you say that?" She looks back to her house quickly to make sure no one is watching us, before returning back to me.

"I smoke when I am unhappy. The only time I am happy, is when I am with you, princess." Her face turns red and i smirk at the how easy it is to get a reaction out of her.

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