Chapter 7

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Alana's P.O.V

I groaned as Nicole took a sharp turn and caused me to smear my lipstick. To be honest she was an awful driver.


"Sorry. What has you in a mood?" Nicole gives me an annoyed look but I don't reply. I had been a bitch the past few days. I guess part of the reason was that Harry hadn't shown up to any practices.

"I just...Harry hasn't shown up to practice and-"

"Oh that guy on varsity? He is so cute." Her eyes look dreamy and I slap her arm. "Hey no need to be jealous."

"I am not jealous. I just don't like it when people make plans and don't follow through with them." He hadn't texted me either, which was strange because we texted everyday last week. "And I need you to focus. This is really bothering me."

"So you are mad that he stood you up?" Nicole pulls into a parking spot and we get out. She had decided we needed to have some girl time and we agreed on lunch.

"He hasn't 'stood me up' he just hasn't shown up." I use quotes with my fingers.

"Okay so you are upset because you like him-"

"I never said that I liked him!" I snap and immediately feel my face turn red. Great.

"Yeah but we all know you do." She smirks and we walk into the cafe. "It's okay to like someone Alana. I know you aren't comfortable with talking about it but-"

"Can we just not talk about it please." She rolls her eyes but agrees and we walk over to our table with our waiter.

We get a seat near the window and are able to see everything going on around town. I loved sitting by the window.

"What can I get you to drink?" The waiter askes holding a pen and notepad.

"I will have a root beer." Nicole looks through the menu and back at the waiter.

"i will have a water please." I wasn't a fan of soda and that was literally all that they had here. They didn't even serve tea.

"Okay I will be back with your drinks." We say our thanks and he walks away.

"Alana." I look at Nicole and raise an eyebrow. She nods her head to the left and I see what she is trying to get me to see.

There stood Harry at the door, looking straight at me.

I look away and try to hide myself even though he had already seen me. It was kinda embarrassing seeing someone after you had texted someone and they didn't text you back.

"Go say something." Nicole looks to Harry and waves. He waves back and I decide to wave too. I grab her arm and pull her back around. "Invite him over!"

"No!" I cover my face with my hands. This was awful.

"Why not!"

"Because if he hasn't texted me back then he obviously doesn't want to talk to me." Nicole turns around and waves Harry over to sit with us. He smirks and begins walking over.

"I hate you." I mutter and sit up alittle straighter. I was wearing shorts and a tshirt and my hair was in a bun. I didn't dress up because I didn't think I would have to be impressing anyone. Nicole did obviously, which was even better because now Harry would most likely be paying attention to only her.

"Hey Alana." Harry slowly takes a seat next to me and I skoot over.

"Hey Harry." Nicole sits there awkwardly and can't keep a smile on her face. She knew this pissed me off but it was probably a good thing. Without her, I wouldn't talk to boys. "This is my friend Nicole. I dunno if you already know her."

"Hey nice to meet you." Harry leans over the table to shake her hand. My heart basically melts in my chest at the thought of what a gentlemen he is. "So whats up?"

I laugh and we both shrug.

"Just hanging out. How have you been?" The waiter is back at our table now and hands us our drinks.

"I was actually meeting someone here." He looks towards the frontdoor and I start to feel bad about inviting him over.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to get in the way." Harry chuckles and shrugs it off.

"I am actually meeting my mom. She is usually late anyways."

"Oh are your parents divorced?" Nicole asks, taking a big sip of her root beer. I didn't know how she could ask people straight up questions that personal.

"Um well my dad actually passed away when I was younger. I have just been living on my own for a few months and my mom likes to meet up."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I take a drink of my water. I had completely forgotten it was even there.

"Its alright. By the way, I'm sorry I haven't been able to come to any practices. I have been busy and I went over my data on my phone so my mom is pissed at me for that." He gives me a small smile and I feel so much better than I had been. I had thought Harry was annoyed by me.

"No problem Harry." I take a deep breath and feel a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"What were you busy with?" Nicole stares him down, slowing sipping her root beer.


"It's okay. You ask a lot of questions too." Harry laughs and I lightly slap his shoulder. "I have actually been um, volunteering. At a physical therapy office."

"Oh that's really cool." Harry smiles but it slowly fades away as he looks to the front door. A women stands there in a long brown coat and dark jeans. She is very beautiful and I already know who she is.

"Oh I uh-my mum is here. I will try to text you later Alana." Harry smiles and stands up. "It was nice meeting you Nicole."

"You too!" Once he walks away Nicole's eyes flutter and she smirks at me. "You have it bad."

"I do not!"

"Yeah you do. Don't try to hide it." Nicole laughs nervously and we sit in silence to order our food. Nicole knew how I was with guys.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I get up and leave the table. Did I like Harry? did I make it that obvious?

Right as I am turning to go in the door i hear my name called. i turn around to see none other than Niall Horan.

"Hey Alana."


{Let me know what you think!

Who should play nicole? I am trying to make a trailor:)

Comment, vote and keep reading:)


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