Chapter 29

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Harry's P.O.V.

It was just a week before Christmas and I had no idea what I was going to get Alana, or if I should get her anything at all. We had sort of become friends once again, but I didn't want to go overboard and scare her away.

After speaking to her about breaking up with Niall, I freaked out and texted her.

I felt guilty about trying to separate them and didn't want to make things even more worse between Niall and I. She ended up texting me later and saying that she went to visit him and things had gone well.

It hurt, knowing that she chose Niall over me, but I think I was starting to understand that she was going to end up being with me after all we had been through.

As for her Christmas gifts, I had thought about giving her some perfume or lotion or whatever girls like, but I figured that it should be more personalized.

After giving it some thought, I had the perfect idea.

When we had discussed her soccer career and how she wasn't going to play because of Niall, I checked the website for the club, and unfortunately they had mentioned that the late tryouts had already occurred.

I knew that the high school season would be coming up soon and that she might want to tryout, but this club was a great opportunity and would have a lot of scouts that would come to watch her play.

So, my gift would be (if it worked) a private tryout for the team.

I had no idea if it would work, but it was definitely worth a try.

Backing up from the ball I had positioned in front of me on the field, I ripped a shot into the upper ninety.

I had been here, at the fields since six a.m.

Pulling the bottom of my shirt up to wipe the sweat off my face, I curse at myself for wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt. It was cold as hell and I didn't even think to bring a jacket.

My breath puffs out from my mouth as I walk over to grab the ball once again.

I dribble back to the spot I occupied previously and take another shot.

The ball flys into the same spot I had hit early and I high five myself, feeling proud for finally being able to keep up a constant aim.

Right as I am jogging over to the ball in the corner of the net, I hear my ring tone.

I jog over to my bag and look to see the last person who I ever thought would call me, calling.

"Hey Niall." I mumble, scared to hear what he was going to say.

"Man..I-I don't know what to do..I am freaking out-"

"Wait, what? What happened?" I turn up the volume on the side of my phone to make sure I am hearing him right.

"Christmas is in a week and I don't have a fucking present for Alana." I chuckle and take a sip of my water.

"Well you had surgery so I wouldn't expect you to be able to just get up and go buy one."

"Don't be a dick, just help me." I can see him rolling his eyes.

This was going to be interesting, Niall was awful at getting people presents.

"So what were you thinking I could do about it?" I feel myself getting angry, now he wants my help?

"It's the least you can do."

"What are you talking about? I have done so much shit for you!" I yell and he sighs.

"Let's not do this, please. I just-I really want to get her something nice and I need your help. Please." Great, I was going to have to go shopping.

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