Chapter 2

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Alana's P.O.V.

After what seemed like the slowest day ever, I decided to go to the fields after school to shoot and practice.

This was the only place I could really go and just have time to my self and tune everyone else out.

I had to be in shape for the upcoming fall season and I hadn't even touched a ball in two weeks...which was pretty bad.

I quickly changed into shorts and a tshirt that I always carried with me in my backpack and laced on my cleats.

My friends always made fun of me for keeping practically a whole other outfit in my backpack but I was up for playing anytime, anywhere.

I walked across the turf and onto the field. I was so happy we had turf, it was the best and worst thing in the world. It was good to play on but hurt like hell when you fell.

I lined the ball up on the penalty mark and took a swing at it, watching it hit the crossbar.

"Shit." I jog over to retrieve the ball from the net and line it up again on the mark.

I turn around to make sure no one else was here and take another shot.

I throw my head back in frustration as I watch it also hit the crossbar.

I grab the ball and walk back to mark once more and take a deep breath. "Come on."

I line myself up and take a swing, this time it hits the post.

"Ooo that one was close." I shoot my head around to see a boy leaning against the bleachers. He wears an athletic shirt along with jeans and a jacket.

"I didn't know anyone else was here." I swallow hard, mentally slapping myself for letting myself miss that last shot.

"Neither did I." the boy smirks before walking over with a ball under his arm. "Mind if I join you?"

"Yeah, sure." I offer a smile and watch as he makes his way onto the turf.

He sets the ball on the penalty mark and I watch as he steps back.

He looks at me directly in the eyes before looking back to the ball and ripping a shot into the upper ninety.

I after to stop myself from letting my jaw drop and shrug.

"Not bad. What's your name?"

He laughs before shaking his head, "Harry Styles."

"Wait, the "Varsity Soccer Boys captain and best player on the Varsity Soccer Boys team" Harry Styles?" He nods and walks over to the net to grab his ball. "Oh I thought you looked familiar."

He grabs his ball and passes mine back to me.


"What about you?"

I look at him confused and he laughs again.

"What's your name?"

"Oh it's Alana, sorry."

"The "Varsity girls soccer Captain" Alana?" he mocks me and takes another shot on goal, landing in almost the exact same spot.

I blush and nod. He was playful for sure.

"Your accuracy is incredible." I blurt about. My face immediately turns the shade of a tomato and I try to shake it off.

"Thanks. I have to work hard if I want to play after senior year."

I try to act normal as I take another shot on goal and not focus on how attractive Harry was. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was bad.

The next shot fortunately was a bullet through the net and I jumped up for joy before realizing Harry was there.

"That was a good one." He laughs and I give him a thumbs up.

"Yeah I was just warming up earlier." I joke and shrug my shoulders.

He laughs and jogs over to the net to grab the balls. "Do you want to play 'nothing but net'?"

{For those of you who don't know what 'Nothing But Net' is, it is when you shoot on goal from a distance and try to not let the ball hit the ground. Each round you make it in, you move back further away from the goal so it gets harder:)}

I hesitate for a moment, "I dunno. My shot isn't exactly on point right now and I'd rather kick your ass when it is."

Harry fakes a shocked look and puts his hand over his heart. "You think you could kick my ass?"


"We'll have to see then!" He takes my ball from my feet and places them next to each other on the ground.

"I told you my shot wasn't on point!"

"It was on point a second ago." My heart flutters slightly at his compliment. He smirks before taking a shot. It glides along the net and he smiles at it as if he knew where it was going.

I wondered how much time and effort he put into soccer. I knew he was from England, his accent had said it all. England was where soccer or futbol was a big deal.

"How long have you lived here? How come I haven't met you before? You're a senior right?"

"That is a lot of questions." Harry chuckles. "I have lived here for a year, so you probably haven't seen me around and yes I am indeed a senior."

I laugh at his choice of words and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Indeed." I mock him, attempting to get his accent right but fail miserably.

He gives me a strange look and I laugh.

After what feels like forever Harry looks to the goal and then back at me. "It's your turn."


"I can't believe you beat me." Harry still remains in his spot after five minutes while I took the chance to take off my cleats.

He hadn't moved since I won.

I dumped the turf back onto the field and put on my flip flops that I wore earlier to school today.

"That's my game." I laugh and grab my bag. Harry does the same.

After almost making it to half field in the game, Harry decided to shoot with his weak foot and it almost made it in.

I was so happy when mine when right in, I almost didn't believe I had beaten him either. To be honest he probably let me win. Harry was too good and hadn't missed any of the shots earlier. they all end up in the same spot in the net.

Harry was an incredible player and I immediately recognized him after I knew his name. I had seen him okay before and it was amazing.

"So do you need a ride?" Harry askes as he begins to walk over to his car.

"I'm okay. Thank you though." I give him a small smile before walking the opposite way to my car and unlocking the door.

"See you around Alana."

"See you, Harry."


(Woahhh Harry is involved now! Let me know what you guys think:)

I will be updating soon! Don't forget to vote and keep reading!

A picture of Harry will hopefully be uploaded on the side:)

Next update: Monday!


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