Chapter 21

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Alana's P.O.V.

"Eva? That's the girl who i keep seeing Niall with."

"Oh shit." I laugh but she slaps my arm.

"Why are you laughing? Aren't you mad that she's back?" I ask, putting a hand over my stomach because of its sudden decision to growl.

"I think you should order something to eat." Harry chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Seriously Harry. Why?"

"Because it is going to be hard as fuck to get that girl out." He takes out his phone and starts playing a game.

"What do you mean?" i ask, confused as I try to put together this information with what he had told me earlier.

"Well a month or two after she left, she kept contacting Niall and even tried to come visit. God she got annoying." Harry finishes his coffee and picks up his phone to continue his game, annoying me.

"Well why do you think she's back now?" Harry shrugs and i roll my eyes.

"What made you forgive Niall so easily in the first place anyways?"

"I don't know..we weren't seeing each other much and I guess I sort of lost some interest in her.." He pulls his wallet out of his pocket once he sees the waitress coming our way and I don't do anything. He can pay this time.


"Did you enjoy your coffee?" The waitress smiles, and we both nod. "Great, I will be right back."

Once she is gone I pull out my phone to see if Niall has texted me.

Hey, call me when you can

"I think that all of us need to meet up." I say after shooting a quick text back to Niall.

"Eva?" Harry raises his eyebrow with a nasty look on his face and I immediately shake my head.

"No. You, me and Niall. We need to fix all of this. You both need to move on." I feel my phone vibrate in my hand but ignore it. "Please just think about it."

He plays with his phone, spinning it around on the table.

I wonder if Niall wanted to talk about what happened earlier. I was still mad at him, and he needed to give me some answers. The fact that he wanted to talk on the phone bugged me though. Why couldn't we just meet up and talk in person? And then I get the idea.

I stand up and grab my jacket, almost knocking over my empty coffee mug in the process.

"Thank you for coffee. Text me later." He smiles alittle and I do to, slowly turning away.

"Leaving so soon?" He askes, tilting his head alittle to the side, trying to be annoying.

"You're being boring." i smirk and start to walk backwards.

"Wait, aren't i your ride?" He calls from behind me.

"I can walk!" i reply before opening the door, embracing a huge wave of cold.

I shiver and pull my jacket around my arms. Niall's place wasn't that far from here and I wanted to talk to him in person, for whatever he wanted to talk about.

I pull out my headphones and plug them into my phone, putting on pandora. Walking around with music that only you could hear was the best. I loved how it made you feel as though you were in the middle of a music video.

Humming along to the music, i quickly look both ways before crossing the street and continuing down the road, I had another half mile before Niall's street.

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