Chapter 19

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Alana's P.O.V.

I feel bad about what happened yesterday with Eva. I had overreacted and should have been there for Niall but I guess I was the jealous type? I don't even know. I was bad with guys...

Niall had texted me earlier that he wasn't going to be at school today because he wasn't feeling to well.

Do you still want me to bring you lunch?

I typed hit send as soon as I could, fearing my teacher would catch me...again..

Yeah, thanks babe

We still hadn't made anything official, and i didn't even know what we were. It felt like we were dating, but he never officially asked me about it. I was always hoping he would, but I knew he wasn't the type to stay around one girl for awhile, which also kept me wondering how much time I had left.

I knew Niall was not the kind of guy to handle a relationship, but I really wanted us to have one. I really liked Niall, and I love the way he has a whole other side to him. The way he has grown up and all he has been through, he went through by himself. He lost not only one of his best friends, but his passion.

"Your next test will be in two weeks, and there is a lot of information to cover. I recommend studying a little each night, then reviewing the night before." Mrs. Holly says as she passes out our packets for the review. I had not been able to think straight at all today. the only thing on my mind was Niall and the fact that his surgery was in six days.

"Alana..." I look up from my phone to Mrs. Holly and slowly slide it into my pocket.

"Do I need to take that away?" she raises an eyebrow and I shake my head.

"Sorry. Niall wasn't feeling good today and-"

"That isn't an excuse to be texting. If I see it again, I can and will take it." She makes firm eye contact with me and I nod in understandment. it was only the first ten minutes of class...i don't know how I am going to get through the rest of the day if I can't talk to Niall. God, I am pathetic.

Niall's P.O.V.

"You sure you don't need anything? I can get some motrin while I am out?" My mom hurries to shove papers into her purse.

I shake my head. "Mom, I'm fine."

"Alright." She walks over to me, kissing my forehead before walking out the door.

I check my phone to see if Alana had replied and she still hadn't. I hope I hadn't gotten her in trouble.

Pulling my blanket up and around my body, i attempt to curl up in a ball. Which is basically impossible, because I can't bend my knee that much and I can barely sit up enough to spread out the blanket.

After a few minutes in attempt to get comfortable, I finally give up and decide to watch tv. I leave it on the channel it is set on, because as soon as I pick up the remote, i hear my phone ring.

I smile when I see who it is and pick up.


"Hey so what did you want?" I hear a quiet voice through the receiver and it gives me chills. I loved the sound of her voice, especially through the phone.

"Just a milkshake." I didn't want her to feel like she had to get me everything on the menu, especially since she wasn't go to let me pay.

"Are you sure? I could get you something else?" She offers.

"It's okay. I'm fine with just a milkshake." I could already taste it and wanted to get off the phone now as soon as possible so I could get my milkshake.

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