Chapter 25

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Alana's P.O.V.
After what occurred with Niall, I decided we both needed a break.
With Niall's surgery and his relationship with Harry, I couldn't take it anymore, and I knew he deserved to have some time to himself and not worry about, well me.
It's not like Niall and I were together or anything anyways, so I have no idea how I am going to tell him.
What I had said to him, I do not regret, but I do regret the timing. I should have waited until he had recovered, not right after his surgery.
Niall needed to hear that though. Yes he lost a part of him and he basically gave up all he loved, but it isn't the end. He has so many things he can still do and he can recover.
I know it's a long road and a lot of work to do, but I believe he can do it.
What I had said, even the last part, I had meant, but not as harsh. Not all of what had occurred was Harry's fault. Niall could have gone to therapy, and maybe this wouldn't have happen, but it did and he needed to accept that.
I take a deep breath as I turn into the Target parking lot, trying to get close because of how dark it was.
I quickly got out my phone and texted Nicole.
To Nicole:
I'm picking you up in 10, GNO
After it sent, I quickly locked the doors and ran inside to grab some ice cream. Nope, no low fat fro yo for me. I needed sugar.
While mentally slapping myself for wearing what I was while I passed a group of really attractive boys, I fast walked to the frozen department.
I slid by all the doors twice (literally, i was wearing uggs) to make sure I wasn't missing any good flavors, before deciding on rocky road and mint chocolate chip.
Just then I get a text back from Nicole.
From Nicole:
It is 11:47, you better at least have some ice cream.
She knows me too well.
I put away my phone and walk up to the front to check out all of my ice cream. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it sure was.
The lady checks me out quick and I pay, wanting to get home as soon as possible. Waiting around at the hospital was so exhausting.
Once I get in my car, I turn the radio all the way up, along with the heat, and start my way to Nicole's.
All the way there I am singing along, making the music so loud that I couldn't even hear my own thoughts.
I pull into her driveway and quickly dial her number.
"Hey, I'm here." I turn down the music with one hand, holding my phone in the other.
"I know, I hear your music." Nicole laughs and I look up to see her waving at me through the window. "ps, turn your brights off, I don't want my parents to get mad that I'm leaving at 12. Even though they won't care because it's you."
I follow her instructions and wait as she slowly comes out of the house and runs to the other side of the car, slamming the door.
"Step on it!" She points to the gas pedal and I raise an eyebrow.
"I thought you wanted me to be quiet?" She shakes her head and points again, turning up the radio.
I do as she says and we are off.
"So tell me, why you are here, picking me up at 12 am without ice cream?" She crisscross's her legs and turns to face me.
"It's in the back." she shrieks and grabs the bag, glancing at the different types i got.
"I just got back from Niall's surgery." i say as we pull into my driveway.
"You should've gotten chocolate." Nicole picks the tubs out of the bag and I slap her hand.
"What?" She looks up from the ice cream.
"I said, I just got back from Niall's surgery." I park the car and we sit still, as I wait for her response.
"How did it go?" She says after a minute or two of silence, knowing how much I had been worrying about this, even though I never would admit it.
"It went fine, we just..we got in a fight." she nods and we both take a step out of the car.
"What happened?"
"I just...I started telling him how he shouldn't blame everyone else for what happened to him and take some responsibility for himself. Some of what happened could have been prevented by him. And I told him that." I decided to leave the part out with Harry because I hadn't told her yet and it wasn't my story to tell.
"How could he have prevented what happened?" She askes as I open the front door.
Before I can reply, Nicole rushes to the kitchen and returns with two spoons, grabbing the bag and leading me upstairs to my room.
Once we get there, we don't waste any time in removing the plastic from the tubs and laying down in my bed, each of us with a tub in our hand, eating away our feelings. (lol)
"So continue." she says with a mouth full of ice cream.
"I guess, I mean he could have tried to prevent this surgery from happening by going to PT and trying to get better. I know he had the opportunity to, but he was too stubborn." I roll my eyes and take another giant scoop of ice cream in my spoon.
After about five minutes, half the ice cream in both tubs is gone and we continue to stare at the ceiling.
"Boys are stupid." Nicole says, once again with a mouth full of ice cream.
"I agree."
We both look at each other before glancing down at the tubs and look up again.

The next day

Eighteen hours had past since I had last spoken to or saw Niall.
Nicole had gone home an hour ago, and now the only thing I had to do, was think about him.
Fortunately, forty five minutes into this torture, I had texted Harry about going to the fields.
It had been fifteen minutes and he still hadn't replied.
I needed to go to the fields and practice, but I also needed to talk to Harry.
I decided to just go, and if he wanted to go then he would show up.
Changing into some long black training pants and my soccer jacket, i threw my hair into a bun and put on some pre-wrap as well.
Once I was done, i headed downstairs, grabbed my bag from the garage and tossed it in the backseat of my car.
I got there within ten minutes and rushed out to the field, hoping to see someone there and just to my luck, i didn't.
I roll my eyes and throw my bag on the ground, grabbing my phone and headphones in the process so that I could be distracted while i ran. I needed to run to get back into shape.
Plugging the headphones in, i selected my "running" playlist and shoved my phone into my sports bra before beginning to run.
I hadn't run in forever and it felt absolutely amazing.
I was able to think about everything going on, with Niall and Harry and school and soccer and not feel as stressed anymore.
Just as I was going around my final lap for the three miles, i decide to run some more because of how good I feel and continue.
I pass the entrance and run along the side of the track.
Just as I and about to the corner, I notice a figure walking onto the field with a hood and a bag just like mine.
I may not be able to see their face, but by their height and my memory of the bag I recognize who it is immediately.
I don't stop, and continue to run until I reach the point where I started.
After i finish i jog over to my bag and grab some water before walking to the other side of the field where he is.
"I don't have cooties." i squirt some water into my mouth and he turns around, green eyes meeting mine.
"What?" He gives me a look and i laugh.
"I said, I don't have cooties. You can put your stuff next to mine." he swallows hard, glancing at the ground before looking back at me.
"I didn't think Niall would like that." He shrugs.
"No, Alana. You saw the way he looked at me yesterday. He thought I was some sort of monster." Harry turns around and takes a hard shot on goal, putting all his anger into it.
"I, I just don't know what to do anymore."
"Then why did you tell me to come here?" Harry begins to get his ball, walking away from me.
"To practice. To get away from everything." I set up my ball and take a shot, watching it hit the goal post. i curse under my breath and walk over to it.
"I just, I want us to practice like we used to. I want us to practice like we normally do." I say as I begin to walk back over to Harry.
"We can't." he states simply.
"We just can't." Harry begins backing up for his next shot.
He looks me in the eyes before running up fast and taking a shot, completely ignoring my question.
"It just can't, okay? After all the shit we've been through and all that you know, it just cannot and will never be normal, okay?"
I slowly nod, watching him walk down and back to retrieve his ball.
"Harry?" I pick at the turf as he groans.
"So many questions." he mumbles, running a hand through his hair.
"Can you tell me more about Eva?"
{{a/n: Hello my loves!
Hope everyone had a good day!
I updated the sneak peek to "18 pt 1" so go check that out and tell me what you think!
Comment, vote and keep reading!

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