Chapter 16

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Alana's P.O.V.

"Come on, you have to come to school today. Soccer training is after school anyways!" Nicole chirps through the phone but I groan and curl up tighter in my bedspread.

"I feel like shit. Physically and mentally." She laughs and I try to but my head and body hurt too much to move. I always got sick alot during the year and it was a pain in the ass.

"Okay well the bell is gonna ring in like five minutes so I guess it's too late." I hear her say something to what sounds like Tyler in the background and roll my eyes. He was still leading her on.

"Well I'm going back to sleep." When she doesn't reply, I hang up. I hated when people called you and then ended up ignoring you.

I reach across my bed to my bedside table and grab my tea. Holding the cup in my hands to keep me warm, I inhale the steam and mess around on my phone before laying back down and closing my eyes. I really wanted to text Niall, but I know he will only ignore me. I really do miss him.

I groan as the memories start to hit and try to make them go away, which of course fails. The other option besides just getting through it was to distract myself by netflix, so I picked up the remote and turned on "the walking dead".

Nicole's brother had gotten me into this show one time when I went over to Nicole's house to surprise her, only to find out that she had just left. Her brother and I hung out in the basement all day and watched "the walking dead". I haven't been able to stop watching it since.

I lean across for another sip of my tea when I hear my phone ringing. Of course it's Nicole to tell me that I should come to school because something great must be happening.

I roll my eyes at the thought and hold the phone up to my ear, clearing my throat before answering with a still groggy, "Hello?"

"Alana?" I have a hard time recognizing the voice and clear my throat again.

"Uh yes?" There is some muttering in the background and I can't understand what they are saying. "Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Niall. Fuck." I hear him groan. I try to reply but no words come out of my mouth. What the hell was going on?

"Hello?" I hear him say and I still don't reply.

"Dammit. Come to the fields at school." He curses again and I hear him talking to himself again.

"Niall what's going on?" I ask with a worried tone, not being able to help it. I wanted Niall to know I was upset but I didn't want him to think I was weak and would just listen to anything he said. "Niall tell me what's going on."

"Please just come. I need you." WIth that I hung up and took another sip of my tea before sliding into my ugg boots, with sofie shorts and a large sweatshirt. My hair is piled ontop of my head held by a single hair band and I don't care. You had an excuse to dress shitty when you were sick, because that was how you felt, right?

I grab my keys and hop into my car, starting the engine and putting it into drive all at the same time. The only time I hestitate about turning around is when I make sure I have my phone.

I am feeling two things right now. I am still pissed at Niall and so broken hearted. I want to scream in his face and tell him what a dick he was. The other half of me is so glad he called and can't wait another second to see him. I can't pick a side.

As I pull in to the parking lot, I hop out, thanking god that it wasn't lunch and none of the students would be outside to see me in my outfit..or see me at all. Technically I could be caught and accused of skipping..shit.

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