Chapter 32

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Alana's P.O.V.

"Here you go, and would you like some sweetener too?" The lady behind the counter asks as she hands me two drinks and a bag full of food.

"No, thank you." I smile and walk out the door.

Niall had wanted me to stop by the hospital again today and I decided I would bring him some food since he was now about to die from eating that much hospital food. Thankfully he would be getting out in a couple of days, and will only have to go to physical therapy until he mastered his prosthetic leg, which he would be starting today since he had been refusing to do it for the past week. Hopefully I will be able to help him.

Walking over to my car I get that feeling again. The exciting feeling that I am dating someone and everything is perfect. The feeling you get at the beginning of the relationship, which what I have heard is the best part.

I was in total shock when Niall asked me to be his girlfriend a few days ago, but I could not have been happier.

The more shocking part was when he told me he loved me. I had no idea he felt that strongly about me, I mean I knew I felt that way about him, but I had only hoped that he felt the same about me.

The even better part of this all, was the look on Niall's face when he saw the motorcycle. I had worried at first about him not liking it or not wanting it because it wouldn't really do much except sit around, but he took it totally different, thankfully.

I unlock my door and hop in, placing the food in the passenger seat and the drinks in the cup holders and start up the engine.

I plug my phone into the aux chord and hit my playlist, backing out and getting onto the main road.

Thankfully the hospital is nearby, so it only takes about five minutes to get there.

As usual, it's crowded inside with patients swarming the front desk and so I have to shove my way through to the back stairs so I won't have to wait inside the elevator with a group of these people.

I push open the door and begin climbing the stairs, which was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. They just would not end.

Finally when I reach the top, I open the door with my elbow because of the bag and drinks occupying both of my arms and make my way down the hallway.

As I turn the corner to his door, I notice someone standing outside, Harry.

"Hey." I say, causing him to jump.

He takes a deep breath once he realizes it's me and runs a hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?"

"He just-he won't listen to them or me and basically threw a fit." He rolls his eyes and I raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? With the prosthetic?" He nods and eyes the bag I am holding in my arms. "I'm sorry I would have grabbed you lunch too if I knew you were coming too."

"It's fine. I'll take this," He reaches for the bag and drinks and opens the door to a crying Niall. "And you fix this."

I feel my heart sink as I hear his cry and see him holding his face in his hands. I walk quickly over to him and pull him into my arms.

"Alana? I-I didn't know you were coming." He sniffs and I sit down next to him.

"Yeah I wanted to surprise you." I turn around and point to the food Harry is holding. "And I brought you some food."

He smiles and kisses me quick, wiping under his eyes.

I brush my hand along his cheek, feeling his hot, wet skin.

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