Chapter 24

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Niall's P.O.V.

I wake up to my heart monitor beating so loudly and practically scaring the shit out of me.

At first it takes a minute, but then I remember where I am and what I am doing.

I try to sit up, but pain shoots up my leg and I almost want to scream, but end up falling back down on my back.

Luckily, I am laying with my head tilted on the pillow only slightly so I do not have to see beyond my stomach. I am too scared to look at my leg because I know that I will loose it. (Even though I already have.)

"Mr. Horan?" I turn my head to see a nurse standing there with a clipboard.

"Someone is waiting outside for you, would you like me to let them in? If you want to continue to rest since you just woke up, I can tell them to come later." I groan and bite my lip.

I didn't want Alana to see me like this, pathetic, weak and unable to walk. I knew it was her waiting outside, because she promise me she would be there.

I wanted to see her. I wanted to see her so badly.

But until I got my shit together in order to not scare her away, I was going to have to wait.

"Tell them to wait for a little longer." the words leave my mouth before I think and I turn on the tv, still refusing to glance at what was left of my leg.

Alana's P.O.V.

"He doesn't even want to see you. I don't know what made you think it was a good idea for you to come." I say it, and immediately I want to take it back, but I don't.

"Wow thanks." Harry mutters under his breath and runs a hand through his hair.

"You-i just-You know what I mean. He is going through a lot and he usually doesn't act the best when you're around and...yeah...I didn't mean for that to come out mean." he shrugs and sits down in a chair next to him.
I sigh and sit down in the chair to the left of his and we remain silent for a little while.

I hated waiting in hospitals. They gave me so much anxiety and I always expected the worst.

"I'm just..I'm worried about him." I swallow hard, admitting it for the first time out loud.

"I am too. Why do you think I am here?" Harry raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah but you never do anything Harry. You just show up and act like you are." i see the hurt in his eyes and he nods.

"I want to help, I want us to be back the way the used to be. I can't begin to forgive myself if he can't even forgive me." Harry presses his lips into a line and shifts in his seat to face me more.

"If you really want to, after he had recovered from this, then you should talk to him about it. I have tried and he won't listen to me."

"I doubt that." Harry says sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" I bite my lip, squeezing my hands together in my lap.

"Don't act stupid. He likes you so much and if he won't listen to you, then he won't listen to anyone." Harry leans in a little closer, only for me to hear the next part of what he is going to say. "In fact, I think he loves you."

My heart stops and I feel my face heating up, not knowing how to process his words.

Niall couldn't love me, how could he love me if he hadn't even asked me to be his girlfriend? I didn't even know if he was planning on doing it!

Before I am able to respond, I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to see the nurse from earlier standing there.

"He is awake now." she smiles and I
reach down to grab my bag but she stops me. "He isn't ready to see anyone yet. I'm sorry, I should have started with that. He just wanted some time to wake up and process everything."

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