Chapter 3

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Alana's P.O.V.

"Alana, how is your project going?" Mrs. Holly askes me as I work.

I glance down to my project and then back up to her.

"It's going well. Not that bad, but I am confused on one part. I'm sure I can figure it out soon though." I shrug it off and go back to work.

"Just let me know if you need anything. Also, I realize you chose not to be partners with anyone, but I would recommend it. I think there is one other student in here without a partner. Niall, I believe." my eyes go wide and I shake my head.

There was a reason why I had chose to do this project on my own. I didn't know anyone in the class and he was the last person I wanted to work on a project with.

Niall was just sitting at his desk doing nothing anyways so I would be doing all of the work.

"I am alright." she nods and moves on to help others with their work.

I go back to my problem but still cannot manage to get past it. This project was stupid was the first week of school and it was due monday.

"This is so fucking stupid." I mutter for only myself to hear as I erase my work for what seems to be the 50th time.

"Language." My heart picks up speed as I look around to see who said that, and of course, Niall sits at his seat looking straight at me.

I roll my eyes and he just laughs.

"You subtract that." I turn to see Niall Horan looking right at my eyes. He holds one of two headphones in his hand, twirling it around in his fingers as he talks to me.

"Excuse me?" I half turn my body to face him and look back to my work.

I quickly subtract the remainings of the problem and worked...

Just to be sure, I grab a sheet of paper and write it down, subtracting it. Once again it had worked.

"Now is where you would thank me, you know." He smirks and waits for a reply.

"And where is your project?" I glance at his empty desk.

"Already done." he winks and goes back to his phone.

'Yeah right.' I hold myself back from speaking those words and try to be the bigger person.

He made me so angry so easily and the best thing I could do was to avoid him.

Sticking in headphones I begin working again on my project.


I went to the fields that day for two reasons.

One was obviously to practice, but the other was to possibly see Harry again. He was super nice and seemed really cool to be around. Plus he was insanely attractive.

I begin dribbling around and making small moves to get myself warmed up before taking some shots.

My feet begin to ache and I take a look at my phone to see how long I have actually been here.

Two hours.

Just as I am walking over to pack my things, I hear a voice behind me.

"Well if it isn't Alana." I turn around to see Harry standing there with a ball at his feet.

"You know I am beginning to think you are trying to steal my hangout area." he laughs at this and shoots his ball towards the goal.

"Your 'hangout place'" he puts quotes around "Hangout Place". "Nah this was mine before it was yours."

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