Chapter 4

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Alana's P.O.V.

The weekend past quickly and I had spent just about all my time on that dumb project.

I wasn't allowed out of the house all weekend besides when I told my family I was going to the Library to work on the project with friends. I went to the fields instead.

School was important, and I had already realized that. I just needed a break, which I rarely got unless I was at the fields.

After high school began, there went my social life. It didn't even exist anymore.

Just as I was getting into my car, I got a text from Nicole saying she needed a ride.

I knew she didnt "need" one, but she hated the bus and I wasn't going to put her through that. I HATED the bus.

She had a car parked in her garage but never used it because she wouldn't pay for gas.

"Morning!" Nicole hops into my car with a half eaten bagel in one hand and a coffee in the other. She reaches across to turn up some music and I allow her.

Normally I would only like to listen to Alternative music, but Nicole loved pop and it was growing on me.

"Did you wake up late again?" She nods and takes a huge bite of her bagel, cream cheese drooping down the side of her cheek. "You missed."

"Shit." she opens the glove compartment and grabs a napkin. Nicole knows how much of a clean freak i am.

"So how was your weekend?" she asks while pulling out her phone from her pocket.

"Boring. Had a stupid project. How about you?"


"What do you mean 'ehh'?" I laughed and watch her take another large bite of her bagel.

"I asked Tyler to hangout with me but he had an excuse...again. Maybe I should just wait for him to make plans." She sighs and stares out the window.

"Yeah i would. Let him come to you." She nods and shoves the rest of the bagel into her mouth. "Please do not choke on that thing."

The rest of the ride lasted two minutes and we were almost late. Luckily we made it into or classrooms right as the bell rang. At least I did...

After taking attendance and watching the morning news, Mrs. Holly took role and stood at the front of the room.

"Alright. If you have not turned in your project, I will not be calling your names."

Shit. shit. shit. I hadn't turned it in..I hadn't even finished! I was still confused but I couldn't ask for help. I needed to show my teacher that I was and could be an independent learner.

I had never missed turning in any work except maybe once in Freshman year. My parents were going to kill me.

I bite lip as she reads down the alphabet.

"And the last person is..Parker. Parker Long?"

My heart stops racing and I look around the room, then back at Mrs. Holly.

Why hadn't she called my name?

"Today we will begin another project. This one will be due in two weeks." I zoned out on the rest of Mrs. Holly's instructions. It was hard not to honestly.

Mrs. Holly had a voice that didn't exactly change tone or show emotion when she spoke..


Just as everyone was packing up for third period, I decided to go up to Mrs. Holly to ask about my project.

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