Chapter 5

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Alana's P.O.V.

"Do you-I mean how do you know him?" I tuck a piece of stray hair from my pony tail behind my ear. I desperately needed a haircut knowing my hair was more than halfway down my back.

Harry stares at the ground, picking pieces of grass in his fingers every few seconds to rip them from the ground.

"Is it alright if we don't talk about it?" Harry's voice is light sounding, asking to not lead into that conversation.

"Well I just thought-"

"Please?" Harry finally looks up into my eyes. As disappointed as I am, I nod and we go back to practicing.

"Do you want to grab a milkshake?" After what had happened in the beginning of practice, Harry seemed alittle quieter you would say, than normal.

"Sure, I will just follow you? With my car?" I look to where my car sits in the parking lot and back to Harry. He must have forgotten that we drove separatley.

He shakes his head and throws his bag over his shoulder. I am still seated but have no problem taking his hand when it is offered to me.

Once I am standing up he quickly lets go and I follow him to the parking lot, still unsure of what we were going to do.

"You can drive with me. Just leave your car here overnight." Harry continues to walk to his car. He unlocks it once he is there and turns around to take my bag.

"What about school tomorrow? I have to drive to school Harry." I laugh nervously at his plan and he chuckles lightly.

"I can give you a ride tomorrow morning." My heart flutters at his offer and I nod my head in agreement.

"I guess that would be okay." I walk to the other side of Harry's car and hop in.

It is slightly messy, but not too bad. It smelled like our soccer bags already.

"Our bags smell awful. This always happens." Harry laughs, basically reading my mind and i join him.

"I have a thing of febreze in mine but I guess I forgot to spray it." He raises an eyebrow at me and starts the car. Carefully he puts the car into reverse and backs out.

I watch Harry as he concentrates on not hitting the tree behind us and luckily he does well.

I let out a sigh of relief when I realize we are in drive now and bite my lip.

"I'm not that bad of a driver." Harry turns onto the road.

"I didn't say you were." I snapped without realizing it and my eyes go wide. "That came out wrong."

"It's alright." Harry laughs as we get closer to the Dairy Queen. "So what are you going to get?"

I glance out the window, debating whether or not to get vanilla or chocolate. I always got chocolate but I was in the mood for vanilla.


"Oh sorry. I was thinking I always get chocolate but I am in the mood for vanilla."

"I didn't know there were moods for milkshakes." Harry keeps a straight face but I can't help but laugh.

"There totally are! What do you usually get?"

"Strawberry." Harry answers without thinking twice.

"Strawberry!?" I laugh and put a hand over my mouth.

"Yeah what about strawberry?" Harry pretends to look offended and looks away.

"Its not very manly."

"It is VERY manly." Harry argues back.

"No it isn't." We both start laughing now as Harry pulls up to the drive through.

"Can I get a large Strawberry milkshake with extra whip cream and a medium Vanilla-"

"Wait! I want chocolate." I tug on his arm.

"Just kidding make that medium vanilla a medium CHOCOLATE without whip cream." He turns towards me and wiggles his eyebrows.

"I want whip cream too!" I pout and fold my arms on my chest.

"Is that all?" a voice asks.

"Yes ma'am." Harry rolls up his window and we pull up to the window. "You will receive with cream once you learn how to behave."

The lady at the window kindly hands us our milkshakes and I grab mine from Harry as fast as I can, almost knocking it all over us in the process of doing so.

"Hey watch out!" Harry laughs and pulls open the cupholder to hold our drinks.

We sit in silence for about two minutes as we both chug our milkshakes. Unfortunately I finish mine before Harry and am forced to watch him finish the rest. Thankfully he puts it in the cup holder for a minute to take a break and when he looks away I sneak a sip.

"Alana!" Harry pouts and grabs his milkshake from my hands.

"That's what you get." He drinks the rest of it, popping off the lid to get the last few drops and puts it with mine in the cupholders. "I guess we should head home now."

"Yeah I guess we should." I adjust my seating in the chair and rest my elbow on his window. Something about being around Harry made me really comfortable and I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

As soon as we get to my house, I hop out to grab my bags from the bag.

"Thanks for the milkshake and rides. I can pay you back tomorrow."

Harry hands me my bookbag.

"Don't worry about it. It was just a milkshake. By the way, can I uh.. have your number?" Harry stares at the ground before making eye contact with me.

"Of course. I was going to ask you I just, I don't know." before I could make it anymore awkward, I hand Harry my phone and he texts himself to have my number.

"Well thanks again, for everything." I smile and begin to turn but Harry pulls me back around for a split second.

I feel his lips connect with my cheek and he smiles as he pulls away.

"Goodnight Alana."


{Kinda a filler but oooo Alana;)

Going to get veryyyy interesting soon so stick around! I got plans:)

Let me know what you think so far!

Next update: Friday


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