Luke Hemmings - Try Hard (4th and final part)

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Actually cried while writing this last bit of Try Hard uhhh... thank you so much for loving this story, means so much you have no idea!! Love you all 

Kelly xx 


*Ashton’s POV* 

As I laid in bed, Y/N fast asleep in my arms, I couldn’t help but reflect on what happened last night. I’ve just had sex with the girl I’ve been in love with for years. It felt amazing and I didn’t think I’d ever be here. But to be honest, I feel like it wasn’t the same for her. I know she’s still in love with Luke, and I fear that I’m merely her rebound. 

“Mmm…” she groaned, shifting in her spot. “Morning.” 

“Morning love, how did you sleep?” I asked her. 

“Great,” she stroked my cheek gently, brushing over my stubble. 

“Good,” I forced a smile onto my face. 

“I’m going to go make us breakfast, what do you want?” she asked me. 

“Up to you, I don’t mind.” 

“Alright then,” she kissed my cheek, getting out of bed and heading for the kitchen. 

I looked around the room and as my eyes turned to the wall next to me, my heart broke. A big, framed collage of photos of Y/N and Luke was hooked on the wall. Fuck what have I done? 

I grabbed my phone and called Calum. As I waited for him to pick up I smacked my forehead a few times. 

“Hey Ashton what’s up?” 

“Calum I’ve fucked up really bad,” was the first thing that came out of my mouth. 

“Why? What happened?” 

“I… promise you won’t yell at me?” 

“Fine. Now what did you do?” 

“I slept with Y/N. We had sex last night.” 

“WHAT?!” he shouted, deafening me in one ear. “Are you fucking crazy?!” 

“I think I am.. I can’t believe I did this Calum.” 

“I mean I knew you always liked her Ash but… that’s ridiculous! She’s just one day out of the thing with Luke, and you do this!” 

“Look I know I fucked up Calum. What do I do? She’s all happy but I don’t if I can do this to her.” 

“Do what feels right Ashton.” 

“Thanks Cal,” I ended the call just as Y/N walked back into the room. 

“Okay so I’m debating between pancakes or omelettes, your call,” she said, leaning against the doorframe wearing only my shirt. 

“Y/N we need to talk,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

“What’s up?” she asked, sauntering over to me. 

“I made a mistake last night sleeping with you. It’s not that I don’t have feelings for you, because I really do. I just… I feel really guilty.” 

“Don’t feel guilty, it’s not like you took advantage of me or anything, it was mutual.” 

“Y/N,” I grabbed her hands in mine, bringing her to stand closer to me. “I wish this could work, I wish we could be together… but you love Luke and I swear he has feelings for you whether he realises it or not. I can’t get in between you and him.” 

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