Preference: His mum prefers his ex - Ashton part 3

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Got a request to do a part 3 for Ashton's preference so here it is :) 

Kelly xx 


Ashton: Ashton was the love of your life, WAS being the important word in that sentence. But you couldn't get over the betrayal, the cowardliness of his actions after his mother made it clear that she didn't like you, and wanted Ashton to be with his ex-girlfriend Rebecca. Since the day of Harry's grand final game, when you gave Ashton back his engagement ring, you hadn't seen him, and you didn't want to. Of course there was a small part of you that wanted him back, he was your fiancee, and you were in the middle of your wedding planning, you had set the date and you were just about to buy the perfect dress that you had found. And all that disappeared within seconds. You had been so good together, he was always so protective and caring, and you two had so much fun together, going on crazy adventures all over the world. Every time you thought about him at the moment you completely broke down, still not being able to come to terms with what had happened. Now it has been almost three months and you still find it hard to think about him. It's Harry's birthday today and he invited you to go to his party at his house, and even though you were nervous as hell, you made the decision to go. You refused to hurt Harry's feelings just because you didn't want to see Ashton and his mum. Once you got the party you spotted Ashton on the other side of the kitchen and he immediately went wide eyed. He moved through the crowd towards you and you froze in your spot, heart pounding as he finally reached you. "Hi," he said, his voice shaky. "Hi," you uttered, glancing at the ground. "Y/N!" You were suddenly crushed into a hug from Harry. "Happy birthday mate," you said, handing him over a gift wrapped present. "Aw cool! Can I open it now?" he looked at you with wide, hopeful eyes. You chuckled softly, nodding your head and he quickly tore the paper off. "This is so cool!" he exclaimed, staring at the box the contained all the pieces for a Lego Millennium Falcon. "I've got to show my friends, thanks Y/N!" he hugged you again, before racing off into the other room. You then turned your attention back to Ashton who was shuffling his feet. "No Rebecca?" you looked around the room for her, your words catching Ashton's attention. "No," he shook his head, his eyes blinking rapidly, "We broke up," he added. Your heart gave a little tug at hearing that. You couldn't help but be glad, and almost a little smug, but you didn't dare show it. "Oh," was all you could manage to say. Thankfully a random relative suddenly walked in, taking Ashton aside which gave you time to escape to the backyard. Unfortunately for you, Anne was sitting outside alone, and she had heard the door open and close. "Y/N," she looked at you in shock. "Hi Anne," you greeted her, stuffing your hands into your pockets. "Harry said he invited you. We didn't think you would come." "I'm never going to let Harry down. He doesn't understand what's going on and he shouldn't have to be punished because of what happened between us all," you said. "Fair enough. That's very good of you." The awkward silence began, neither of you knowing what to do or say. "How have you been?" she finally spoke up. "Alright, you?" you politely replied. "I've been better," she said, taking another drink of her water. "Look Y/N, I know you probably hate me for what I did, and I don't blame you, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry. It's not my business to interfere like that in Ashton's love life, I need to remember my place," she said. You sat down beside her at the outdoor table, partly terrified to have this conversation with her. "I don't blame Ashton for wanting your approval, but... he said he couldn't be with me if you didn't like me because he didn't want to ruin the relationship that the two of you have, and that you're more important. While I understand that, your his mother after all, I was his fiancee and... he broke off our engagement because of a few words about an ex-girlfriend... it still kind of baffles me," you told her. "Initially I was a little bit happy that he'd actually listened to me," she started saying. "But the second he walked back into the house after he had broken up with you he looked so defeated and broken. I tried to talk to him but he just yelled 'I can't believe you just did that!' at me, grabbed his bags and stormed out of the house. In the days after I tried to make him forget about it, tell him to call Rebecca maybe.. turns out he did. Then when you showed up at Harry's game and then you gave him back the ring... he was a mess Y/N. He was so angry with me, I'm pretty sure he still is. He blames both himself and I for it, and he's right, it is our fault, you did nothing wrong." "I know," you said honestly. "But to have him ripped away from me like that, while we were in the middle of our wedding planning, just about to book our dream venue, and I was just about to buy the perfect dress it all came crashing down. Suddenly I was left with nothing." "I am very sorry Y/N," she said. "Thanks Anne." She headed back inside to finish icing the cake she said, leaving just you outside. "I didn't think you would come." You turned around to see Ashton coming towards you, interrupting your few minutes of calm. "Sorry, didn't want to hurt Harry's feelings." "Don't apologise. I'm not mad or anything. I'm happy to see you," he tried to lighten the mood. You remained quiet, not knowing what to say. "I've missed you." You tensed up at hearing those words, a shiver running over your body. "Ashton..." "No I have to say this to you." His chest was rising and falling rapidly. "I love you Y/N, and I fucked up so badly doing what I did. I hate myself for it. I'm an idiot for letting you go, and then I was an idiot for going back to Rebecca. But you were right with what you said at Harry's game. I was trying to make my mum happy, and I wasn't thinking of what made me happy, which is you." You blinked back tears, not prepared for this. "I wanted you to fight for me Ashton. I wanted you to try and keep me but you didn't! It was almost like you wanted me to leave, that you had planned it or something," you said, beginning to lose your breath. "I never planned it, and I never wanted you to leave," he told you. "But you never fought," you choked out, both of you now teary as you swallowed the lump in your throat. "I know, and I should have. It's my one biggest regret to this day. I should have fought for you. I never should have told you we couldn't be together, and I never ever should have let you walk away." You went to wipe the tears off your cheeks only to have Ashton do it for you, his touch sending tingles over your skin. "What did my mum say to you before, out of curiosity?" he wondered. "She apologised to me, saying that she shouldn't have interfered in our relationship the way she did. It was nice to hear," you said. "I'm glad she's apologised to you, I really am." All you could do was nod, not sure how to respond. "Hey do you remember that swing?" he pointed across the garden to a wooden swing tied to a big tree. You let out a small chuckle, recalling the memory of the two of you spinning around really fast and then Ashton getting so sick and dizzy he threw up. You spent another hour and a half, recalling old memories, talking about your adventures to Hawaii and South Africa, trekking through the Indonesian jungle to see orang-utans and also your swimming with whale sharks off the coast of Western Australia. Next thing you knew it was dark outside, the two of you having gotten lost in your own little world. "We should go back inside and join the party," you said. "We should," Ashton agreed, hopping up from his chair, holding out to his hand to help you up. You took it, suddenly finding yourself very close to Ashton's body. Next thing you knew Ashton had his hand on your cheek and the two of you were leaning in slowly. "Y/N! Ashton! Time for cake!" Harry's voice interrupted us from where he was standing in the doorway. "We'll be in there in a minute bud," you assured him. He nodded and went back inside, staring at his mother as she put the finishing touches on the cake. Ashton looked back to you and moved to lean in to kiss you again. "Ashton..." "No. I'm not losing this chance now that I've got it," he said, staring into your eyes. He leant in and wasted no time kissing you softly. Your knees almost buckled beneath you and you may have fallen down had Ashton not swiftly looped an arm around your waist, keeping your body pressed to his. "Tell me I've got you back," he begged you, whispering against your lips. You chuckled softly, pecking his lips. "You've got me back," you assured him. He let out a small sob, kissing you again before picking you up and spinning you around, making you feel slightly dizzy. "There's one more thing though," he said, your heart beginning to practically beat out of your chest. Ashton unhooked a chain from around his neck that had been hidden underneath his shirt and when he pulled it out you gasped, closing your eyes for a second as you teared up. "Y/N, I really do love you. I never should have let my mum get in between us, and I should never sacrifice what makes me happy for the sake of my mother, or anyone for that matter. You are what makes me happy Y/N, and I want to be happy with you for the rest of my life, like we had planned to be all those months ago. So..." he got down on knee all of a sudden, holding out my previous engagement ring, that had been living around his neck for who knows how long. "Y/N, will you marry me?" It took you a second to really think about it. Everything was happening so fast but like your heart had been telling you for months, you're meant to be with this man, and that's the way you want to be forever - with him. "Yes," you answered him. He grinned from ear to ear, slipping the ring onto your finger before standing up and kissing you once more. "Come on, time for cake," you reminded him, pulling him back into the house.

5SOS Imagines/PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora