Preference: His management + pregnancy (Part 1)

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Ashton: You were currently seven months pregnant and you were so excited to be over the halfway mark of your pregnancy. Your boyfriend Ashton was being extremely helpful and caring, and was just as excited as you if not more so to welcome your daughter into the world. Today you and Ashton had been called into a meeting with his management team, but they had not told you what it was about. You had no worries, figuring it was just a meeting to tell you about an upcoming interview or something for the boys. When you and Ashton arrived you were surprised to find none of the other boys there, no Luke, no Michael and no Calum. As you and Ashton sat down in the office, Ashton grabbed your hand in his, holding it tight as the three men in the room began to talk. "Welcome Ashton and Y/N, I'm glad you could come today. My name is Mark, and this is John and Peter. Today we need to talk about a big issue - your pregnancy," he looked at you. Your eyebrow raised, flicking a glance to Ashton who seemed just as confused as you. "What about it?" Ashton asked them. "It's becoming a massive inconvenience for everyone including you, your fellow bandmates, us and the rest of the management team, and particularly your PR team. It's always being discussed in interviews and always seems to be a focus of the band at the moment and... ultimately we need the problem to go away." Your eyes widened and you put your hand over your large baby bump, beginning to feel sick as their words sunk in. "What the fuck are you trying to say? Because if you tell me that you are asking us to get rid of our baby you are completely fucking crazy!" Ashton exclaimed, standing up from his seat and placing his hands on the table. "Now calm down Ashton and hear us out. This baby will be such an inconvenience for you, and already it's been causing issues with interview and appearances. You had to leave a concert early a few weeks ago," he said. "Because my girlfriend had to go to hospital because she was in excruciating pain and was having trouble breathing!" Ashton shouted. "I don't care. The band should be your first priority, not her and the baby." "This is ridiculous! She is my pregnant girlfriend of course she is going to be my priority!!" "Ashton," you put your hand on his arm, hoping to calm him down a little. "Ashton I'll make this simple for you, you have two choices," Mark said, staring Ashton down as he stood up to face him. "You either get rid of the baby, or you leave 5 Seconds of Summer." "You can't do this to us," you spoke up, trying hard not to break down. "Yes we can, and we are. What do you decide Ashton?" "Please don't make me choose. I can do both, I can be a father, a partner, and a drummer," he tried to persuade them. "No. Choose Ashton," Mark demanded. Ashton looked at you and your heart was practically beating out of your chest, waiting to know what your future was. He grabbed your hand, pulling you up and out of your seat. "I choose my girlfriend and my daughter. I will not let you take my family away from me," Ashton hissed at them. You let out a breath of relief as Ashton said that. "Let's go," Ashton said, pulling you towards the door. As soon as you were outside of the room Ashton buried his face in your shoulder, silent tears falling from his eyes. "I'm so sorry Ashton," you whispered in his ear. "You should never have to make that sort of decision." "I never thought they would do that to me," he wept, pulling back from the hug. "I'm so sorry Ashton. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. But... thank you." He looked up at you, his eyes red and blood shot. "Thank you for choosing me," you said, your voice shaky. He placed his hands on your cheeks, resting his forehead on yours. "I love you Y/N, and I love our daughter, and I'm not giving that up for anything." "But you love the band, I can't imagine you not in 5 Seconds of Summer." "Well it's done now. I'm not in the band anymore." "WHAT?!" Your head whipped around and Luke, Michael and Calum were standing only a few metres away from you, all of them wide eyed and completely shocked. "What the fuck is going on?!" Luke shouted, all three of them coming towards you. Calum was silent, standing in the background as Michael and Luke hounded us with questions. You looked to Ashton who had more tears on his cheeks as he squeezed your hand. "Alright enough!" you exclaimed, catching everybody's attention. "Look a lot has happened today that you don't know about," you said to them. "I don't care about that, I want to know why the fuck you're leaving the band?!" Michael yelled at Ashton. "Because management just pulled Y/N and I in there and pretty much said I either had to kill the baby, break up with Y/N, or leave the band. I am not losing my girlfriend and my baby because they are too worried about publicity." All of the boys were left with dropped jaws at what Ashton had said. "I'll see you later guys," Ashton mumbled, pulling you away.

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