Luke Hemmings - Try Hard (Part 3)

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*Luke’s POV* 

After an awkward day in the house I went up to my room after dinner. I know I was a dick to Y/N last night and this morning but I need to get rid of these feelings I have for her. I can’t be in love with her. She’s my best friend. It’s just a silly little crush I can get over it. 

I hate hurting her, and I know I am. I’ve been acting like I don’t want to be near her or I don’t even want to be her friend. Of course I want to be her friend. Y/N means the world to me and I don’t ever want to lose her. I can’t lose her. I just need to stop being stupid and go back to normal. Being mean to her to try and show the guys I don’t like her and try to get rid of those feelings was never meant to upset her. I hate upsetting her. It’s the worst feeling in the world to know she’s upset because of me. 

I haven’t seen her all day and I hate it. All I really want to do is curl up on the couch with her and watch Grown Ups and make her a hot chocolate to make up for all the shit I’ve given her. I went to knock on her door but decided not to. I don’t want to antagonise her. 

As I opened my bedroom door I just wanted to fall into bed, curl up into a ball and go to sleep for a week. But when I walked in I headed straight for my bathroom. Something on my bed caught my eye though and I backtracked and stood at the foot of my bed. 

My heart immediately started racing and pounding in my chest. My hands began to tremble as I picked up my black and red flannel shirt that was folded neatly on my bed. I glanced around my room to see if Y/N was in here but I found I was alone. My eyes brimmed with tears as I held the shirt that she always wore to bed or around the house. 

Still holding onto the shirt I rushed to the door of the spare room and knocked on it. 

“Y/N? Y/N please open up. Y/N?” 

I opened up the door to her room and was met with still darkness. I immediately started to panic. Opening the drawers my worst fears were confirmed. Her belongings were gone. All of them. 

“Y/N? Y/N?!” I shouted, hoping she was still here somewhere. 

“Luke?” the boys were in the doorway, looking at me with concerned eyes. 

“Where’s Y/N? I can’t find her,” my breathing was heavy, my voice shaky. 

“She’s gone Luke. She left,” Ashton told me. My stomach dropped and I fell to the floor. 

“She left?” I was trying really hard not to burst into tears. 

“Yes. She wasn’t happy here,” Calum said. 

“Oh...” I winced at his words. I got up from the floor and started to walk out. 

“Where are you going Luke?” Michael asked me. 

“For a walk. I need to clear my head,” I said, I grabbed a jacket from my room and took off down the street. 



I wrapped my fist against the door only to receive no answer after a minute. 

“Y/N please open up. I know you’re in there. I just want to talk to you. Please?” I spoke to the locked door of Y/N’s apartment. “Y/N please I need to talk to you and apologise. I know I’ve been horrible but I can’t lose you.” 

I waited for her to open the door but I still got no reply. I tried calling her phone and texting her but I got nothing in response. 

“Y/N? Please let me explain,” I continued to try and get her to open the door. 

5SOS Imagines/PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora