Preference: He falls asleep on you

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Ashton: "Babe I'm home!" your fiancee Ashton called through your house. You wandered down the stairs, all dressed up and ready to go out. "Are you okay?" you asked him, seeing him rubbing his hands over his face. "Yeah I'm good," he said, giving you a hug. "I'm just going to go up and change my shirt and then we can go meet the boys." "Ashton you look exhausted, why don't we just stay in?" you proposed. "I'm fine, I'll just splash some water on my face and I'll be good," he told you, then heading upstairs. Half an hour later you and Ashton were walking into the club where you were meeting Luke, Michael and Calum. You moved over to a booth where the other boys were sat along with some other friends. You sat down beside Ashton, his hand holding yours. "I'm surprised you're here Ashton, you were almost passed out this afternoon," Calum said. "Nah I'm good mate," Ashton brushed it off. After five minutes you had seen Ashton yawn about twenty times, and his eyes kept closing and he kept jolting himself awake. "Do you want to go home?" you asked him, pushing some of the hair out of his face. "No," he shook his head as he yawned again. "I'm fine," he assured you. "Ashton.." you stared him down, knowing he truly wasn't fine. "Babe I'm fine, I promise." "Okay," you nodded, taking a sip of your drink. You started engaging in conversation with Calum about something, Ashton moving to rest his head on your shoulder. A couple of minutes later you looked over at him to see him fast asleep on your shoulder. You pressed your lips to his forehead, turning back to Calum who chuckled. "Not tired hey," he said with a smirk. You laughed, Calum then snapping a quick photo and posting it on twitter with the caption 'Ashton said he wasn't tired... sure mate'.

Michael: Jet lag and Michael do not agree with each other, so when 5 Seconds of Summer began their US tour it was no surprise that he was massively jet lagged when they first arrived in the country. "I thought maybe because we've done this so many times I'd be over the jet lag by now, but it never gets easier," he pouted as he sat next to you on a daybed by the pool. You, Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton were all hanging out by the pool of the hotel you were staying at while they spent some time preparing for the tour that was going to start next week. Because the boys were VIPs you had a gorgeous white tent by the pool to hang out, with two large daybeds and a whole lot of food and beer for the boys. Michael was visibly sleepy as he laid back on the daybed, looking up at you as he threw an arm over your waist. "Do you want to go back up to the room babe?" you asked him as you took a few hot chips from the bowl, feeding them to him. "No because if I sleep now then I won't be able to sleep tonight and..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "Go to sleep," you poked his stomach. "You've got a couple of days to get over the jet lag, just set some sleep." He groaned, uttering something as he shuffled over, resting his head on your chest and intertwining his limbs with yours. "Or you could just sleep on me," you said, running your hands through his hair as he made himself comfortable, beginning to drift off. "I love you Y/N," he mumbled, looking up at you. "I love you too Michael." He let out a sleepy smile before he quickly fell asleep in your arms.

Calum: "Y/N!" You ignored Calum's yelling, continuing to read through your book. "Y/N!" Calum had been whining all night about being tired and had gone to bed about an hour ago but now it was seeming like he couldn't fall asleep. He was currently sick and when he gets sick he gets very needy and desperate for your attention and affection, and while you kind of love it when he gets all needy, you had spent the whole day looking after him and you just wanted some time to yourself to read your book. "Y/N why didn't you come up?" you turned around to see Calum standing behind the couch, a pout on his face. "I'm in the middle of reading this chapter," you told him. "But Y/N... I need cuddles in bed," he said, moving around to sit next to you on the couch. "Well then you'll just have to wait until I've finished this chapter," you said. He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. You turned back to your book, flicking through pages to see you only had three pages left of the chapter, and you told yourself that after that you would go to bed with Calum. You could hear him moving around on the couch beside you and suddenly he laid his head in your lap, his face buried into your stomach as his arms wrapped around your waist. You couldn't help but smile, looking down and seeing your boyfriend in your lap. After a minute his breathing steadied, and he started to snore, and you knew he had fallen asleep. As you reached the end of your chapter you considered waking him up, then opting to just leave him be, continuing to read your book.

Luke: You collapsed onto the bed, Luke hovering on top of you as you both struggled to get your breath back. "Did you enjoy that?" you asked Luke with a wink. "So fucking much, I've missed doing that with you," he said. Luke had just gotten back from tour, so you and him were... 'catching up' in the bedroom after you had picked him up from the airport and brought him home. "Three months is a long time to go without sex," he said, falling on top of you and resting his head in the crook of your neck. "Tired baby?" you concluded. "Yeah," he nodded. You laid there in silence for a little bit, just enjoying the contact and the time with him. "I've really missed you," you said to him. You waited for a reply, only to be greeted with absolutely nothing. "Luke?" You pulled back a little bit so that you could see his face. "Oh my god," you chuckled, realising that he had fallen asleep. "Luke wake up!" you shook him a little bit, then hitting the side of his head in your attempt to wake him up. "Luke!" "What?" he groaned, pressing a sloppy kiss to my neck. "You fell asleep and you're still inside me!" you exclaimed. His eyes widened and he finally slid out of you, collapsing by your side. He pulled you into his arms, spooning with you as he fell asleep again, you soon drifting off as well. 

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