Preference: Why the fans love you

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Ashton: Why don't the fans love you? Everyone loves you, mainly because you are happy to give Ashton up to the fans even when you're on dates. Whenever you and Ashton go out there are almost always girls chasing him, and even though he is usually reluctant to talk to the fans, usually because he feels guilty for ditching you, but you always encourage him, knowing that these girls, his adoring fans, are the reason that he can have the career that he wants. You don't want to form a wall between him and the fans, and he and the fans are thankful for that.

Michael: You used to be a fan girl just like hundreds of thousands of girls are, and after you started dating Michael you knew that there were so many girls who would die just from a simple follow from him or him clicking favourite on a tweet. You encouraged him to connect with the fans, remembering how you felt when you got a retweet from him at one point. One of your favourite things to do was go outside the venue whenever they had a concert and you would talk to some of the fans, even helping sell the merchandise because sometimes it was too crazy for you to go out in the crowd. The fans love you because you don't forget how it feels to be one and they really appreciate your efforts to make them feel connected to the boys.

Calum: Calum had gone through a really rough time over the last few months and during an interview he confessed that he would not have gotten through it without you. He said that he had been close to taking a break from the band for a while but having you help him with everything made sure that he stayed strong, bringing him back slowly but surely. After the interview where he said all of this, you were bombarded with tens of thousands of tweets and other messages from fans, thanking you for what you had done for him, and for being his girlfriend.

Luke: The fans love seeing how happy you make Luke. In every single photo of the two of you, you're both smiling and having so much fun no matter what you're doing. The fans always see you doing fun and crazy things together, and he always talks about you and your adventures during his concerts or interviews, always having to talk about you, never being able to stop smiling when he does. The fans also love how open you are with them, and after you became pregnant you kept the fans in the loop with everything, including posting a video of him at the first ultrasound when he was crying. 

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