Preference: Music Festival

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Ashton: Your boyfriend makes sure you’re safe and he never lets go of you, either holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around your waist. Sometimes he’ll let you sit on his shoulders and keeps you steady with his hands on your thighs so you don’t fall off. He panics if he can’t see you, even if you only leave his sight for a few seconds. He doesn’t want to lose you in the crowd and have something happen to you amongst the crowds of drunken partying people. 

Michael: “Y/N!!” he keeps calling out. You give up trying to ignore him and wander from where you’re sitting with some friends and go back to the tent you’re sharing with Michael to find him half hanging out of the tent, drunk as ever. You put him back into bed only to have him drag you into bed with him, not letting you go back out but you happily stay and listen to his drunken talk about how much he loves you. 

Calum: He jumps up and down with you in the crowd, the two of you dancing and singing along with the rest of the crowd. You really get into it, both of you never getting tired of listening to your favourite bands perform. Once you go to sleep at night, you’re absolutely exhausted, falling asleep in each others arms and recharging so you can do the same thing tomorrow. 

Luke: Don’t stop doin’ what you’re doin’, every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it know it know it know it,” you watch 5 Seconds of Summer perform onstage at the music festival. You’re standing right at the front of the crowd, dancing along with your best friend and watching your boyfriend Luke and the rest of the band onstage. “Big shout out to my beautiful girlfriend Y/N!” Luke says after the song. You blow him a kiss making him blush before they start the next song. 

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