Preference: His mum prefers his ex (Part 1)

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Ashton: It was another family dinner at the Irwin's house, and you and your fiancee Ashton were going over to spend the evening with his mother Anne and his younger brother Harry. You loved spending time with Ashton's family, particularly Harry. He was the sweetest thing and so nice, plus he really seemed to like you, and the fact that you always came to his soccer matches and helped out the team with things like bringing the orange slices or being the nurse when someone got injured was something he absolutely loved about you. The biggest thing for him was that even if Ashton was away on tour or away for other commitments, you would still be there cheering him on. The two of you had a special bond. Ashton's mother on the other hand was nice, but she always a little off around you, something wasn't quite right, but you chose to ignore it. Tonight when you, Ashton, Harry and Anne were sat eating dinner at the table, you told Anne how delicious the food was, complimenting her. "Well thank you, I'm sure Ashton is happy to finally have a home cooked meal," she said. You were taken aback by her comment. Ashton had been home from tour for more than two weeks and you had been giving him nothing but home cooked meals since he returned. "What do you mean?" you asked her. "Simply that I know how much he enjoys my cooking over takeaway." "We don't get takeaway," you informed her. "Oh, so you do cook?" "Umm yes, I've always cooked. I love to cook." "That's nice. But I know Ashton loves my cooking, he says it's the best food he could ever have, right Ashton?" Both you and Anne turned to Ashton and he just sat there with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. He flicked his gaze between you and Anne and was at a loss for words. "You know he did say on one occasion that Rebecca cooked the most incredible meals for him when they were dating," Anne said, making you tense up at the mention of Ashton's ex-girlfriend. "Mum please don't do this, we don't need to talk about Rebecca right now." "Oh come on Ashton, you remember how amazing she was. I swear you two were going to get married someday. It would have been so nice to have her as a daughter-in-law." "Mum come on," Ashton tried to get his Mum to stop, but you couldn't help but be hurt by his mother's remarks. "All I'm saying is that I would prefer Rebecca to be here right now instead of Y/N." Your stomach dropped, your breathing getting shaky. You turned to Ashton who staring into space, trying to figure out what to say. "What are you trying to say Mum?" You rolled your eyes at your fiancee, wondering why the hell he couldn't see exactly what his mother was trying to say to him. "She doesn't want me here. She wants Rebecca here, and the fact that I am here is driving her crazy," you informed him. "But we're engaged Mum, I'm with Y/N now," Ashton said. "And if you had come to me and asked me for advice I would have told you not to do it. But now I'm going to be stuck with her." "Mum you're being very mean to Y/N. Don't hurt her feelings," Harry spoke up. "I need a minute," you said, standing up and making your way into the lounge room at the front of the house. "Are you alright?" Ashton asked as he approached you. "Are you fucking kidding me? How can you ask me that?!" you yelled at him. "Geez calm down I was just wondering." You stood in awkward silence for a minute, neither of you knowing what to say. "You know I love you Y/N.. but I can't upset my mum." Your eyes widened as you stared him down. "What are you saying Ashton?" you asked him, clenching your jaw. "I'm saying that if my mum doesn't like you... I don't think I can continue this relationship." "But... Ashton.." "I'm sorry. But my mum means everything to me," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "And I mean nothing?" you concluded. "No it's just that she means more," he uttered, staring at his shoes. "You know what Ashton, I can kind of understand that you want your mum's approval to date me. But what hurts the most is that you're not even trying to keep me. It's like you want me to go, and after all we've been through together, all the plans we made for the future... this really stings." He looked up into your eyes, his own watery. "Y/N.. I-" "Save it," you snapped at him, pushing his outstretched arm away from you, walking away from the man you thought was your future.

Michael: Another night at the Clifford household, you, Michael and his parents. His dad was busy cooking on the barbecue outside while you, Michael and his mother Karen were inside talking. It was always a bit awkward between you and Karen, mainly because apparently Karen had been best friends with Michael's ex Layla, and now you were here and she didn't seem too pleased about that. Unfortunately tonight, Layla seemed to be the topic of conversation. Apparently Karen had had coffee with Layla yesterday and was telling us all about what Layla was doing these days, not that you or Michael cared at all. "She's in her last year of law school, and it looks like she's going to graduate with honours! She's so clever, it's very inspiring. And she also has this amazing job as a paralegal at a massive law firm in Sydney which she's very good at, apparently her bosses absolutely love her." "Mum can we change the subject please?" Michael said, his arm around your waist, keeping you close to him, knowing that it must be incredible awkward to be sitting through this conversation. He knew that there was a little bit of tension between you and his mum, but you didn't think he realised just quite how much there was. "All I'll say is that I said it from the beginning that I thought Layla was perfect for you, and I've said from the beginning with Y/N that she is not going to be good for you, and for some stupid reason you've chosen to be with Y/N instead of Layla." "Mum!" Michael exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock. You blinked back tears, trying not to let any emotion show. "I'm just telling the truth Michael," she said, looking at you. "You are far better than her and have a much brighter future than she does. You are going to make a lot of money and become very famous, and what is she going to do? Nothing important." "Excuse me," you said hurriedly, rushing out of the room and out to the front of the house, collapsing on the grass. You sobbed, almost wanting to pull out your hair as you ran your fingers through it, not believing the situation you were now in. You wanted, more than anything, to be liked by Michael's mum. "Y/N," Michael's voice could be heard as the front door of the house opened and closed with a bang, his arms soon wrapping around you. "I am so sorry," he said to you. "I can't believe her, she's never acted like this before. I don't understand why she'd say all those things to you. None of them are true okay, none of them." "But what if they are Michael? What if she's right? Maybe I don't have a bright future, perhaps we aren't a good fit." "Don't you dare say that," he stared you dead in the eye. "I love you okay. I love you, and there is no way in hell I am letting this end because of her." "Michael, I don't want to be a dividing force between you and your family." "You're not okay, you're my girlfriend, they have to accept that." "You love me?" you finally processed the words he had said before. "I do Y/N. I love you with all my heart. Please don't let this be over now." You stared at the ground, closing your eyes briefly as a million thoughts ran through your brain. "I should go," you said, taking a step back from Michael. "What? No. Don't go. Please stay, we'll go home right now together okay, just don't go." "No, I need some time alone, to think about all of this. I need some space." "Y/N no, don't leave me." "I'm not breaking up with you Michael. I just need some time to work out whether or not I want to stay here in a relationship where my boyfriend's mother hates me and would rather he be with someone else. I just need some time. I will be back, I promise you." You gave him one last kiss before pulling away, walking down the street and calling a taxi that took you to a hotel, your new retreat. 

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