Preference: Why the fans don't like you

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Ashton: There have been a lot of cheating rumours surrounding your relationship with Ashton, all of them being that you cheated on him. While you had kissed another guy at a club one night, you had told Ashton about it and everything was fine, and that was the only ever incident. The fans unfortunately believe all the rumours and the media stories so they think that Ashton would be much better off with a girl who 'really loves him and wants to be with him'. No matter how many times both you and Ashton deny the claims and state that they are all false stories, they never seem to believe you or trust you. 

Michael: Age differences in relationships are perfectly normal, but in your relationship with Michael the fact that you are younger than him drives the fans crazy. Part of the reason you get along with Michael so well is because you're both kind of immature, but in the best way. You're free spirits who are adventurous, funny, and love to do crazy things together. The fans think you're too childish and that you're making Michael the same way. You have a feeling that even if you were only a day, or even a few minutes younger than him the fans would probably still say that you were too young for him. 

Calum: You're Ashton's ex girlfriend and everybody thought that you and Ashton were the perfect couple and were going to be together forever. You had been with Ashton for almost two years but you always had feelings for Calum whether you wanted to admit it or not. You tried really hard to suppress those feelings but in the end you just couldn't. You knew that Calum had liked you ever since he met you and there was always this sexual tension between the two of you. Ashton picked up on it and realised that you would be better off with Calum, and while he hated the fact that you were no longer his, he likes seeing you and Calum so happy. The fans however think that you're a slut and that you're just making your way through the band and it's just a matter of time before you date Michael and Luke. They don't like your relationship with Calum and a lot of them want you to be with Ashton again.

Luke: All the fans of 5 Seconds of Summer are jealous of the girlfriends of the guys, but when you started dating Luke people got to see a side of Luke they haven't seen before, the cute, cuddly, sweetheart side of him. He's very open about your relationship and is always posting photos and videos of the two of you on his social media. All the fans see this new side of Luke and are all jealous of the fact that you get to call Luke your boyfriend, and the fact that he seems like such an amazing boyfriend in general and you get to have him all to yourself. Some fans started trying to make up stories to break you and Luke up, but he doesn't give a fuck and constantly tells the haters of your relationship to either shut up or get over it and get used to it. 

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