Preference: First Kiss

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Ashton: After your second date he walked you up to your door, his hands shaking. He wanted to kiss you but he didn't know if you wanted to kiss him or not. His nerves were beginning to get the better of him and you could tell. Once you were standing at your door you just stood in front of each other. You both said goodnight to each other and you were waiting for him to kiss you but nothing happened. You went to open the door, thinking he wasn't going to make a move, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his body, softly pressing his lips to yours making you smile. 

Michael: It was after your first date that Michael had decided in his head to kiss you. He didn't want to waste any time so he figured kissing you on the first date wouldn't be the worst thing. He walked you to the car park where your car was parked and just before you got in, he pulled you back. He just stared at you for a few seconds, trying to work up the nerve to kiss you. Finally he leant forward and kissed you lightly before stepping back and walking away, muttering random things to himself. You called out to him and he turned back, stopping where he was. "Call me," you told him as you got in your car and drove off. He walked back to his car blushing, and grinning like an idiot. 

Calum: You'd known Calum for a few months now, but only as a friend, even though you had massive feelings for him. The boys had invited you to go on tour with them so you were sleeping on their tour bus for the two weeks you were there. On the third night you couldn't sleep thanks to Ashton's snoring so you went and watched TV in the back lounge, watching a music channel. Calum wandered in a little later and sat down with you, saying he couldn't sleep either. You two began to talk and when he asked you who you liked there was an awkward silence. You looked up into his eyes, finally ready to tell him, when instead he crashed his lips onto yours. "I like you in case it wasn't obvious," he whispered. 

Luke: Luke had sworn to himself that he wasn't going to fall in love on tour, thinking that it would be too hard because wherever he was on tour, wasn't home and it was going to be far away. But then you came along and he was kicking himself because he wanted to stick to what he'd said at the start of the tour but he just couldn't help himself, you were everything he'd ever wanted, and you only lived in a different state in Australia. He invited you over to the boys' hotel room and there the five of you hung out until you left in the early hours of the morning. Luke walked you down to the lobby and just as you were about to walk away from him, he rushed over to you and kissed you as hard as he could. When the kiss was over you were both breathless. He looked at you nervously while you just blushed. You kissed his cheek and whispered 'see you later' in his ear before walking out. 

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