Preference: His management + pregnancy (Part 2)

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Ashton: "Ashton come on mate!" "Yeah we really need you." "The band isn't the same without you." "Don't make us do this alone." "We need a drummer, and you're the only one we want." "5 Seconds of Summer is not 5 Seconds of Summer without Ashton." You overheard Ashton on a call with Calum, Michael and Luke that he had on speaker while sitting in the lounge room, playing with your one month old daughter. "Boys I can't. I made my decision. They tried to get my girlfriend to have an abortion, I'm not putting up with that crap any longer. I shouldn't have to, Y/N shouldn't have to, and my daughter shouldn't have to, and none of us are going to." "Don't you miss it thought Ash?" Calum asked him. You remained in your spot in the kitchen, listening in and waiting anxiously for his answer. You glanced into the room and found him frozen in his spot, his eyes fixed on your daughter who was rolling around on her mat. "I do miss it, all the time. But this is my life now boys, I'm sorry." "Come on Ashton. They said they'll apologise for everything if you come back. We can't do 5SOS without you, it's not the same anymore," Michael said. "Exactly, why don't you just come down and hang out with us today. We're having a writing day to get ready for the new album," Luke proposed. "Boys I can't, I-" "Luke hang on a second," you said as you snatched Ashton's phone from him. Ashton looked up at you wide-eyed. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sight of you holding out his drumsticks to him. His eyes began to glaze over and his breath hitched in his throat. "Go," you said, Ashton tearing his eyes from the drumsticks to you, then quickly glancing at the baby. "I know you don't want to have to deal with management, and I do not blame you for that. But they need you Ashton, and you need them whether you want to admit it or not. You haven't gone near your music room in months, and I'm getting worried. So this is me saying that it's time for you to go back to doing what you love - making music with those guys. 5 Seconds of Summer is built into your blood now, don't push it away." "But what about the baby?" he choked on his words. "I'm still on maternity leave, 5SOS is staying here to do their recording for their new album, and at the moment there are no tours planned so you can still live here and be with us, and be a part of 5SOS." You pushed the drumsticks closer to him and he hesitated before taking them into his hands, then quickly wrapping his arms around you, his tears falling onto your bare shoulder. "I love you so much," he whispered in your ear. "I know, and I love you too. Now go, have fun," you told him, unable to suppress the smile on your face as you saw him start to get excited. "Guys?" you handed Ashton back his phone. "Yeah?" they all replied. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." They all cheered, screaming and clapping which made both you and Ashton laugh. He hung up the call and then grabbed his wallet and his keys before walking to the door. He turned around just before he walked out, looking back at you and your daughter who was now in your arms. "Go make your daughter proud," you said. He grinned from ear to ear, eyes still teary as he nodded. He then left, heading back to his passion.

Michael: "Good morning sweetheart," you cooed as you picked up your son Lochlan from his bassinet. Lochlan was only two weeks old as of today, and you were learning to adjust to life as a single mother. You had heard nothing from Michael since you left the house that day after he made the decision to end things, and even though you missed him, you refused to get in contact with him. In your opinion he had made it clear that he did not want you or your baby, and that the band was all that mattered to him. His mum and dad had visited you in hospital to see the baby, excited to meet their grandson. You asked after Michael and they told you that he was a mess, missing you a lot. He had moved back in with his parents, spending all his time in the house, barely ever leaving. Luke, Ashton and Calum had also stopped by to see you, snapping photos with you and bub and then posting them all over their social media. You were trying hard to forget about Michael, but it was so difficult because every time you looked at you son you saw him. You fed him and put him in a fresh onesie before wandering downstairs and laying Lochlan down on his fluffy play rug, sitting beside him and watching him in awe as he laid there. You were pulled out of your thoughts as you heard knocking on your front door. You picked up Lochlan and wandered over to the door, opening it up cautiously. Your eyes widened as you found yourself face to face with your ex boyfriend. "Hi," Michael uttered, looking at his feet. "Hi," you replied, holding the baby close to your chest. "How are you?" he asked. "Good.. You?" "I'm fine," he said. He finally looked up at you, his gaze immediately locking on the baby. "Is this him?" he asked you, your heart rate increasing. "Yes. This is Lochlan," you told him. "He's amazing," he said, rubbing his thumb over the baby's head. "I bought these for you," he held out a bunch of beautiful bright flowers to you, a small yet hopeful smile spread across his lips. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you," you said. "It's the least I could do." You reached out to take them but Michael pulled them back. "I'll bring them in, don't let go of the baby," he spoke quickly. "Okay," you nodded. You opened the door wider, letting him wander inside. You heard him moving around in the kitchen as you put Lochlan back down on his rug, a million thoughts running through your head. Michael came and sat beside you after a minute, staring at his son. "I'm sorry I wasn't there," he spoke up, playing with his fingers. "I should have been there for you while you had him, and I wasn't, and I know that's my fault," he said, his voice notably shaky. "You didn't want to be there, and that's your decision," you told him. "Is that really what you think?" You turned your head to find Michael's teary eyes looking into your own. "You gave us up Michael. You picked the band and your management over your son and your girlfriend, that's what you decided." "I'm sorry. I didn't want to have to choose, I begged management not to make me pick between the band and you, but they forced me. They said that if I walked away now I would never be able to work in the industry again, and I panicked. I regret my decision though, so much." "Michael.." you choked out, rubbing your hands over your face. "I haven't even had my hot chocolate yet," you sighed, throwing your head back. "I'll do that for you," Michael quickly got up, going into the kitchen again. You rolled your eyes, waiting a few minutes until he returned, handing you a cup of hot white chocolate. "Thank you," you said politely, taking a sip. "You never were one for coffee," he said, both of you chuckling. "I've really missed you Y/N." You looked up at him, feeling yourself beginning to break. "I've missed you too. But I've got Lochlan now, my priorities have changed. I'm a single mother." "No you're not. I'm here for you and for him, I'm always going to be here for the two of you." "Why are you doing this now?" you asked him. "I saw the photos that my parents and the boys posted of you and the baby, of them and the baby.. and I hated seeing those photos without me in them. I should have been there, and I can't believe I missed the birth of my son," he choked, tears falling as his gaze turned back to the baby. "I don't want to miss any more of his life." "What about your management and the band?" you wondered. "I went back last week and I just lost it. I told them I need to be in my son's life, I need to fulfil my role as his dad, I need to do what I promised to you. But more than that.. I need to make things right with you." You let out a trembled breath, not sure of what to say. "I told them that I will be able to work and be a part of this family with no trouble. It took some convincing but I got them to take back what they said. I'm all yours if you'll have me again." "Michael you left me. You said that you couldn't give up the band so instead you gave up your family. I can't ignore that." "I know you can't," he said, sniffling as he placed his hands gently on your cheeks. "I love you Y/N, and I'm so sorry," he crumbled, crying right in front of you. "Please.. please let me come back to you," he pleaded. You had never seen him in such a shattered state but looking at Lochlan, and how much love he had just looking at his father, you knew you couldn't deprive Michael of being in the picture. "You can come back," you told him, his eyes shooting open. "Really?" "Really," you nodded. He let out a sob, wrapping his arms around you tightly. He kissed you softly, then gently picking up Lochlan in his arms. "Daddy's home."

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