Preference: His mum prefers his ex (Part 2)

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Ashton: It's been a month since you've seen Ashton, he's made no effort to contact you since that horrible dinner with his family. Even though you didn't want to see him again, part of you was desperately hoping that one day you'd get a call or a text from him saying how much he loved you and that he wanted you back, or that one day he'd show up at your door with flowers and proclaim his love and apologise and kiss you, begging for you to take him back. But nothing happened. One day you got a knock on the door and you rushed through the house to open it, only to find the sweetest boy standing outside your door. "Hi Y/N!" he greeted you with a massive grin. "Hi Harry," you replied to Ashton's younger brother. "I know I haven't seen you in a while, and I miss you like crazy! But I just wanted to give you this," he handed over an envelope to you. "Well I've missed you too Harry, more than you can imagine," you said, ruffling up his hair which made him laugh. You opened the envelope to find an invitation to his soccer grand final. "You made the final! That's amazing! Congratulations!" you pulled him in for a big hug. "Thanks! I'm so excited for it! But I want you to come. You've always been so awesome when it comes to my soccer, always helping me practice and washing my uniforms, making the snacks for the team, they also miss you too by the way." At hearing that you giggled. "I know things are bad between you and my brother but I would really like you to come. Please?" You hesitated for a moment, knowing that if you went, you would have to face Ashton, but you couldn't deny the boy in front of you. "Of course I'll come Harry, I'd love to," you told him. As soon as you did his face lit up, making you smile from ear to ear. "THANK YOU!" he shouted, hugging you tightly. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then!" "Can't wait," you told him as he hopped on his bike. The next morning you got up, having barely slept a wink the night before. You got up extra early so that you would be wide awake for the game, and so you had more time to get ready. You showered, did your makeup flawlessly, and picked out the perfect outfit before heading off to the game. You were confronted with an uncomfortable sight when you saw Ashton standing there with Anne.. and Rebecca. Rebecca was latched to Ashton's side, his arm around her waist. When Harry came over and hugged you, the whole team following, Ashton's head whipped around to see you there, his eyes fixed on you. As the game went on, you watched Harry play, ignoring the Irwin clan. As the end of the game came, Harry's team were victorious and you could not have been more excited for him, watching him and the team get their medals and the team trophy. "You're still wearing the ring." You turned around at the sound of Ashton's voice, your heart racing as he stood next to you, looking at your finger. "Yeah.. I guess some stupid part of me thought that maybe we'd end up back together, and that we'd have our wedding that we'd planned," you said, shoving your hands in your pockets. "Baby do you want a coffee?" Rebecca came up to you and Ashton, practically groping Ashton as she stuck herself to his side. "Sure love," he nodded, handing her a twenty dollar note, her leaving with the money. "I bet your mum's happy now that Rebecca's back," you concluded. "Yeah she is," he nodded. "Great. That's all that matters." "Y/N don't be like that," he said. "Are you kidding me? I have every right to be like that, I'm just telling the truth alright? Your mother's approval and happiness is all you care about. Not mine, and definitely not yours." "What?" he looked at you, confused at your words. "The smile on your face is not the same as it was when you were with me, I can tell that. You're not happy with Rebecca, but you'd rather make sure that your mum is happy than worry about being happy yourself. So have fun with that, because to be honest if you let this keep going I know you are just going to end up being miserable forever. And I don't want to see that." He was at a loss for words, staring into your eyes. "Y/N!!" You turned your head to see an ecstatic Harry running towards you, medal around his neck. "WE WON!" he screamed, crashing into your open arms. "Congratulations Harry, I'm so proud of you. You did amazing today, those goals you kicked were incredible. I'll be watching those over and over again," you told him. "You got it on video?!" he looked at you in awe. "I most certainly did. I'll send you the videos later okay?" "Okay!" he nodded, not able to stop smiling. "I've got to go now Harry, but it was so good seeing you." "You too," he said with a grin, embracing you in a final hug before he went off to celebrate with the rest of his teammates, completely ignoring Ashton. "Here you go babe," Rebecca came over and handed Ashton his coffee. "Thanks," he mumbled, gripping his cup tightly. "I should go," you said, looking at Rebecca once again draping herself over an uncomfortable looking Ashton. "Well it was nice meeting you," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You too." You turned to Ashton, who was staring at you, his eyes glazing over. "Can you give us a minute?" he asked Rebecca who pouted but gave in, walking over to Anne. "It was nice seeing you again Ashton," you took one of his hands in yours, placing your engagement ring in his hand. When you let go and he opened his hand and saw what was inside he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he said, "For everything. I really do miss you. I still imagine what it would be like if we had gotten married and had our future together and-" "We could have had that, but you made your decision." He closed his eyes, a tear dripping down his face. "I hope you two are very happy together," you said, turning on your heel and walking away, blinking back the tears but it was no use, teardrops already having made there way down your face.

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