Preference: He's on tour and gets depressed

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Ashton: "Hey babe!" Ashton greeted you as the FaceTime video call connected. Neither of you could contain your smiles as you locked eyes with each other. "How's tour going handsome?" you asked him as you laid in bed. "Well, only two more shows and then we're finished." "It will be so good to have you home, I miss you like crazy," you said to your husband who had been away for five months now on tour. "I miss you too, and our little boy! How's he going?" "He's great, he's sleeping at the moment, but he's been doing great." "I'm glad, it's been so hard being away from him!" he exclaimed. You and Ashton had a son who was almost one year old, but Ashton had to go on tour so he hasn't been around for the first few months of his life. "Babe I'm going to send you through a little video of something we did today," you told him. Ashton opened the video as soon as it came through on his phone and he couldn't help but smile as he saw his son pulling himself up. In the video his son then stood up straight and wobbled his way over to you, taking his first steps. "Awww..." he cooed, watching the video. He ran his finger through his hair, then rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?" you asked him. "I just... I'm missing so much! I'm missing our son's first year and I can't stand it. I shouldn't be here, I should be with you guys right now, watching his first steps in person." "Ashton don't do this to yourself. You love touring, you love this, I know you want to be here but you have to be where you are right now. You'll be home soon enough and then you'll get to see both of us again. We'll be there waiting for you at the airport." Sure enough, when Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael landed in Sydney five days later it took forever for them to actually come out. There were no fans around as the boys had been very careful and were landing at a small airport in Sydney, away from the main city. It was just you, your son and all the families of the boys standing outside waiting for them to come out. As soon as they came out you lightly pushed your son who wobbled his way over to Ashton who had tears running down his cheeks as he saw his little boy walking towards him. Ashton engulfed him in a hug, squeezing him tight before coming over to you and smashing his lips against yours, clinging to you and your son. "I love you," he whispered against your lips before giving you another kiss. "I love you too," you said, taking his hand as the three of you walked out of the airport.

Michael: You and Michael had gotten engaged just before he went on tour, partly because he wanted to ensure that you were his before he had to leave for such a long period of time - four months to be exact. You were ecstatic when he asked and had been doing the wedding planning while he had been gone. As he travelled through the US and Europe he kept seeing all these gorgeous places where he could picture the two of you getting married, but not having you there to share it with was driving him mad. You guys had barely spent a single day apart since you had met and this was becoming a torturous experience for him, but you had university studies and you couldn't just leave, though you had been tempted to try and change your units to external, you found out it was impossible so Michael left on tour without you. One day you got a mopey phone call from him, rambling on about how he hated being in Paris, the city of love, without you, his love. You simply rolled your eyes. It wasn't that you didn't think he was sweet, it was that these calls and this corny language was becoming a frequent occurrence, every phone call was the same and no matter how much you loved him, you were over it. "Michael shut up," you ended up saying, running your hand through your hair. "What?" his voice trembled. "Michael I love you with all my heart, but this moping and complaining every bloody night is frustrating the hell out of me. I love you so much and I hate that you're missing me this much, but I cannot deal with another one of these 'I was here and I saw this thing and I wish you were here to see it with me', it's every night Michael," you whined, tearing up slightly. "I just miss you," he mumbled into the phone, you practically being able to hear the pout that was probably on his face. "I miss you too babe, but this is your life, your dream. Don't let me get in the way." "You are not in the way, you are never in the way," he firmly said. "I just wish you were here with me. It would make things so much easier." "I know babe," you cooed, trying to calm him down. "I love you," he told you, his voice going a little higher than usual. "I love you too Michael. Try not to get so down okay? I love you." "I love you too. I'm sorry for annoying you." "It's fine, just try not to let these things get to you any more. Otherwise I'm going to have to come over there and kick your ass," you said, making him laugh. "Is that a promise?" he said with a chuckle. You smiled to yourself, glancing down at what was in your hand. "Why don't you open the door and find out?" He froze where he was laying in his bed. He was lost for a second before he ran to his hotel room door, flinging it open as fast as he could. "Surprise," you greeted him. He ran into your open arms and cried into your shoulder as he clung to you. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying," he said, pulling back from you. "It's fine," you rubbed his cheek with your thumb. "I love you alright?" you whispered against his lips, resting your forehead on his. "I love you too." "Now let's go inside, we have a lot to catch up on," you said with a wink, wandering into the room. Michael's eyebrows raised but he eagerly followed you in, slipping the 'do not disturb' sign on the door. Guaranteed that neither of them would want anything to interrupt their 'catch up'.

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