Preference: Christmas Time

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MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY BEAUTIFUL READERS! Hope you have an amazing time over Christmas and New Years :) 

Kelly xx 


Ashton: "This is my favourite ornament," you said as you held up a beautiful blue crystal encrusted silver frame that held a photo of you and Ashton in Paris from earlier in the year. "Mine too," your boyfriend can up behind you, slipping an arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to the crook of my neck. "There," you stepped back from the tree, looking at your masterpiece. "It looks amazing," Ashton said, quickly snapping a photo on his phone, likely for social media. "What do you think?" Ashton asked, holding up his phone for you to see the twitter post he was about to send out. 'The tree is finally done! Only took an hour...' "Hey I'm the one who did all the work," you reminded him. "Fine.." he pouted, typing on his phone again. "What about this?" he showed you again. 'The tree is finally done! Probably should have done something to help right? #worstboyfriendever' you couldn't help but chuckle, kissing Ashton's cheek. "Sounds perfect," you told him. He rolled his eyes, but still sent out the tweet. "By the way," you took his attention off his phone, "You are most certainly not the worst boyfriend ever." He smiled, his cheeks going slightly red. "And this is why I love you," he said, wrapping his arms around you and giving you a kiss.

Michael: "So have you made gingerbread before?" you asked Michael as you put the jar of treacle down on the kitchen bench. You had invited your boyfriend over to your house on Christmas Eve to join your family in making gingerbread men, something your family does all the time. "No I haven't," he shook his head, staring at all the ingredients in front of him. The ginger, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon already had the house smelling amazing. "Relax Michael," you put a hand on his back. "It's not that hard I promise," you assured him. "I'm not usually one for cooking," he said, looking kind of petrified. You chuckled softly, slipping your arms around his neck. "You'll be fine, you've got me here to help and I have done this a thousand times, so chill the fuck out." He nodded, taking a deep breath as your parents and sibling came into the room. "So Michael are you ready to join in the Y/L/N tradition?" your mum asked him as they all moved into the kitchen. "Absolutely," he nodded. "Alright, so we start with..." she started going through the recipe. Within half an hour the gingerbread men were in the oven. "Well Michael I must say I am very impressed with your skills in the kitchen," you said as you sat next to him on the couch. "Thank you, I try," he smirked. "Don't get too cocky," you poked his chest. BEEP BEEP BEEP! The oven went off and you quickly jumped off the couch, rushing to the oven. You opened it up and just the smell of the gingerbread had you in heaven. After you took the cookies out they were immediately shared around the family, you sitting back down next to Michael as you ate the head off your gingerbread man. "So good," Michael moaned. You giggled, burying your face in his arm, and he looped his arm around your shoulders as you started to watch the carols show on the television.

Calum: While you had planned on spending some time with your boyfriend Calum over the Christmas holidays, he was spending Christmas with his family in England, all of them having gone over for a holiday for a few weeks. While you were happy that he was enjoying some time with his family, you were stuck back in Australia, missing your boyfriend like crazy. After lunch on Christmas Day your phone started to go off and you squealed as you saw a FaceTime request from Calum. You immediately answered and were greeted by the sight of his handsome face. "Merry Christmas!" you both said at the same time. "I miss you," he pouted. "I miss you too, how's London?" you asked him. "It's good, I guess because I've been here so many times it's not as cool anymore. But nonetheless it's fun to be here with my family. I'm the only one awake at the moment though. I wanted to talk to you." "Naww," you swooned. "I'm glad you called me. Now open your present!" you told him. A grin spread across his face and he put his phone down for a moment before coming back onto the screen, holding up the wrapped present you had given to him before he left. "Open it open it!" you instructed him. He did just that and after a second his jaw dropped, eyes widening as he looked at the gift you had gotten him. "Are you serious?" he looked at you. "Yes," you nodded. "We are going to Hawaii," you did a little hula dance as he held up the plane tickets and itinerary. He had always said he wanted to go to Hawaii so to surprise him you had booked a holiday for the two of you for in a month's time. "I can't believe you remembered," he teared up, running a hand through his hair. "I love you," he said. "I love you too."

Luke: You had only been dating Luke for just over a month when Christmas rolled around. You weren't sure what to do, whether you should buy him a present or see him on the day or what. In the week before Christmas you two made the decision to meet up and spend Christmas Eve together, and exchange gifts. You were nervous but also excited. Because you had only been dating for a short time, you weren't entirely sure what to get him but after some talks with Ashton, Calum and Michael you had some ideas. When Christmas Eve finally rolled around Luke came over to your flat. After dinner it came time to exchange gifts. Luke opted to go first, hiding his present behind his back for a minute. "Look I know we haven't been dating for a long time and I'm going away for a while next year but... I really like you and I don't want to stop seeing you when I'm gone, and there is a part of me that's worried that when I do go back to LA for months on end... I'll lose you from the distance apart. So..." he handed over a small square shaped present to you. You unwrapped the box and when you saw the gorgeous blue colour of the Tiffany and Co. box your heart started to flutter. You opened it up and saw a stunning silver ring with a diamond snowflake on it. "Luke... it's beautiful, wow..." "It's a promise ring. I really don't want to risk losing you and I know this may sound creepy or stupid but-"" You cut him off, cupping his face in your hands and kissing him. His arms moved to hold you closer to him as you kissed. "It doesn't sound stupid. When you have a connection you have a connection, and we do. I love the promise ring, and it won't come off," you promised him. He took the ring out of the box, slipping it onto your finger and you couldn't help but hold it out and admire the ring sitting on your finger. "It's so pretty," you sighed. "Not as pretty as you," he said, your cheeks going red. "Merry Christmas," he whispered against your lips. "Merry Christmas Luke." 

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