Preference: What he does when he gets jealous

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Ashton: Ashton gets really tense and angry whenever any guy even looks at you, let alone flirts with you. He tends to get right in their faces, confronting them and telling them to back off and that you're his. When you're out in public together he barely ever leaves your side, continually worried that some guy will try and take you away from him. He's very protective over you and the thought that something may happen to you freaks him out, so he gets very defensive, and in your opinion, rather over-protective. But you secretly love how protective he gets, even though sometimes it means that Ashton gets thrown out of bars and clubs, you love him for it.

Michael: When other boys start looking at you he starts to position himself so that he is between you and the other guys, not letting them get too close to you. He practically shields you away from anyone else, making sure that he is the only man you have your attention on, and the only man that can look at you. When you're out and about you know that other guys look at you, it's a common thing now, but Michael hates it with a passion, not liking how they check you out and drool over you, especially when you wear revealing clothes, because he thinks that he should be the only one who gets to look at your body, but you always reassure him that it doesn't matter because even though some guys look, he's the only one that gets to touch.

Calum: He gets really shy and timid when he sees other guys looking at you or talking to you, particularly if they are famous. He's always worried that you'll find someone who is better than him and who can give you more money or more fancy things, no matter how many times you tell him that none of those things matter to you, but the thought that someone will come and sweep you off your feet terrifies him more than anything else in the world, and sometimes keeps him up at night. When he sees the situation in real life he usually freezes, not knowing what to do. Then after a moment he'll grab your hand and you'll squeeze it tight, usually giving him a kiss to calm him down, and to send the message to the other guys that you're taken.

Luke: When Luke gets jealous he's very discrete, usually slipping an arm around your waist and holding you right next to him and not letting you go. He doesn't like confrontation but he still likes people to know to back off from you because you're his. If anyone comes over and starts talking to you while you're alone, he'll immediately come over and wrap his arms around you, burying his face in your neck. He won't say a word to the guy, just hopes that he'll get the message that you're taken. If he thinks that the other men don't get the message, he'll grab your hand and get you out of there, not wanting to be anywhere close to the guys who are trying to take you away from him. 

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